52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (2024)

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These 52 weekly positive affirmation cards to place on your mirror and help you stay motivated and encourage self love all year long! Two Printable PDF options to print at home, or all 52 high quality digital PNG files to send to your favorite photo printer! Keep for yourself or these positive affirmation cards are perfect for gifting.

In this post


  • What are affirmation cards for?
  • Do Affirmations work? The Science behind them
  • 5 affirmations to tell yourself every day
  • Download The 52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards
    • What’s inside:
    • What they look like:
    • Photo Printing Hack to Professionally Print Your Affirmation Cards
  • Download 12 FREE Printable Mirror Affirmation Cards
  • How to Use Affirmations
    • Imposter Syndrome, Self Doubt, And Things that Help.
  • Affirmations + Action: Goal Setting Template
  • Conclusion

What are affirmation cards for?

Your brain believes what you tell it, affirmation cards are designed to help you stay motivated and encourage positive thinking throughout the year. They can be used as an uplifting reminder of how powerful and capable you are, regardless of what life throws at you. The cards typically contain inspirational quotes or phrases that offer encouragement, self-love, and guidance when needed.

Positive affirmations can help to shift your mindset and perspective, allowing you to focus on the good instead of the negative. When used regularly, affirmations can help boost confidence, build resilience, and provide a sense of peace.

By using positive affirmation cards regularly, you create an opportunity for yourself to become aware of how your thoughts affect how you feel and live.

52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (1)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (2)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (3)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (4)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (5)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (6)

Do Affirmations work? The Science behind them

Affirmations make use of Neuroplasticity which is your brain’s ability to change and adapt to different circ*mstances though out your life.

Often your brain can mix up what is reality and what is imagination. Think of how if you wake during an intense dream and your heart is still racing and you’re covered in sweat. All because your brain didn’t know the difference between reality and a dream so it activated those fight or flight responses.

Just imagining yourself doing something — like sky diving or re-hashing an argument with your partner —results in those same areas of the brain that activate when actually in these situations to be activated just when imagining them.

So affirmations can help us use this to our advantage.

When you regularly use positive affirmations, even if you don’t feel they are true right now. Helps to convince your brain into taking them as fact. And when your brain believes something, science has shown that your actions tend to follow.

For example, if you’ve always believed and told yourself that

  • “I’m just not an athletic person”.

Then your friends invite you to play a game of volleyball, you’ll likely opt-out of trying. Or, you are less likely to put in a full effort and instead perform actions that confirm what your brain has been telling you, whether you realize it or not. Making what you tell yourself–“I’m just not an athletic person”– a self-fulfilling prophecy.

However, when you swap your thoughts with positive affirmations:

  • “I am strong and capable of whatever I put my mind to.”

Using affirmations may help you feel more confident in your abilities overall, helping you in preventing thoughts or behaviors that may impede your potential for success and achievement.

Psychology backs up the effectiveness of affirmations when paired with actions behind them. So adding a daily positive affirmation to your morning routine, will help you stay motivated, build self-confidence, keep a positive outlook on life, and even translate to real-life results and achievements.

5 affirmations to tell yourself every day

If you’re wanting to start with multiple affirmations you can start with these 5 affirmations every day. I’ve found saying them out loud helps the most. You might feel silly at first, but hearing the words helps activate other parts of the brain for retention too.

  1. I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to
  2. I am worthy and deserving of love and respect
  3. My happiness comes from within and is not dependent on external events or people
  4. I will be resilient in the face of adversity
  5. I trust the timing of my life

Or for a simple and effective use of affirmations, print and use these 52 weekly mirror affirmations. Print, place on your mirror, and repeat every day. Swap it out for a new one each week and feel inspired, loved, and motivated all year long.

52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (7)

52 Positive Affirmations & Motivational Quotes

What affirmations and motivational quotes are included in the cards? Here’s a list of all 52 positive affirmations so you can make your own cards or even just write them on your mirror! The cards include 43 affirmations and 9 motivational quotes.

  1. My joy cannot be found in a person, possession, or profession.
  2. I am showing up as my dream self.
  3. I’m so lucky, everything works out for me.
  4. Don’t compare yourself to strangers on the internet.
  5. People will love you. People will hate you. And none of it has anything to do with you.
  6. Your mind is going to believe what you tell it, so tell it that you’re smart, ambitious, cute, and not afraid to go for it.
  7. The desire on my heart is not wrong simply because it *inconveniences* someone else.
  8. I am proud of who I am even while I’m working on who I’m becoming.
  9. You do not decide your future, you decide your habits. And your habits decide your future.
  10. Don’t wait until you’re confident to show up. Show up until you’re confident.
  11. I made it through middle school. I can make it through this.
  12. I love happy me. She’s so pretty and full of life.
  13. Don’t let the bad days make you think you have a bad life.
  14. I am committed to my personal growth.
  15. I choose my mindset and my actions.
  16. I deserve to be happy too.
  17. Today I will accept and let go of what I can’t control and focus on what I can.
  18. I am getting closer to my true self every day.
  19. I am not afraid to suck at something for as long as it takes to get better.
  20. I don’t dream of success. I work for it.
  21. I am allowed to change.
  22. My worth is not dependent on how useful I can be for other people.
  23. I do not have to justify my dreams to anyone.
  24. I do not expect myself to be as productive as I was when I had less responsibilities.
  25. I am making my dreams a reality.
  26. I am a priority to me.
  27. I choose my life. I don’t settle for it.
  28. Other people’s opinions of me are none of my business.
  29. I am confident in who I am and I love her.
  30. I create my own happiness, and only surround myself with people who add to it.
  31. It’s not who you are that holds you back. It’s who you think you are not.
  32. I owe it to myself to be consistent.
  33. Stop asking people who have never been where you’re going for directions.
  34. Sometimes learning who I am is learning who I will never be again.
  35. I embrace seasons of change.
  36. Today I will notice: What energizes me, What I’m grateful for, and what’s not working and why.
  37. I am not afraid to be a beginner.
  38. I am committed to finding time for myself.
  39. Today I will ask myself: Does this support the life I am trying to create?
  40. I will not make myself small in order to make other people feel more comfortable.
  41. I trust the timing of my life.
  42. You’re busy doubting yourself while other people are intimidated by your potential.
  43. I am invested in myself.
  44. I will be the same person privately, publicly, and professionally.
  45. I didn’t come this far to only come this far.
  46. I will keep going.
  47. I am putting out the same energy I want to attract.
  48. I’m doing it for me
  49. I am prioritizing my mental and physical health. I feel strong and well today.
  50. I am becoming the best version of myself.
  51. My own approval is all I need.
  52. I have the power to create the life I desire.

Download The 52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards

There are three versions of the 52 Positive Affirmation & Motivational Cards, 2 Printable PDFs, and 52 PNG photo files. Print them yourself, or use the PNG files to print at your favorite photo printer!

What’s inside:

  • 43 Affirmations & 9 Motivational Quotes = 52 total cards
  • 1 Printable PDF file with 4 affirmation cards per page (13 pages total)
  • 1 Printable PDF file with 6 affirmation cards per page (9 pages total)
  • 52 High-Quality PNG Photo files

What they look like:

Here’s a sneak peek of what the lards look like (watermarks will be removed). The cards have 5 different designs to rotate through.

52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (8)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (9)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (10)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (11)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (12)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (13)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (14)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (15)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (16)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (17)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (18)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (19)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (20)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (21)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (22)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (23)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (24)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (25)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (26)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (27)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (28)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (29)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (30)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (31)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (32)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (33)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (34)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (35)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (36)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (37)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (38)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (39)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (40)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (41)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (42)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (43)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (44)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (45)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (46)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (47)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (48)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (49)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (50)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (51)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (52)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (53)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (54)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (55)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (56)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (57)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (58)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (59)

*Note this is a digital product. No physical cards will be sent to you.

(Get 12 of the 52 printable affirmation cards FREE here!)

Photo Printing Hack to Professionally Print Your Affirmation Cards

If you have the Shutterfly app, they offer unlimited FREE 4×4″ prints all year round. You just have to pay for shipping which ends up being about $7-$8 for all 52 cards! Printing at Walmart or CVS ends up costing around $20+ for all 52 cards so using the Shutterfly app saves you over 50% in printing costs, they look amazing (go with the matte prints, they look so good trust me!), and they deliver right to your door!

Buy a couple sets of prints and gift them to friends and family!

Get the Shutterfly app here.

*Note this is a digital product. No physical cards will be sent to you.

Download 12 FREE Printable Mirror Affirmation Cards

52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (60)

Get 12 of the 52 Affirmation and motivation cards FREE. You’ll get access to 1 free printable pdf that includes options for 4 affirmation cards per page (3 pages) and 6 affirmation cards per page (2 pages) to save on paper and ink!

Click here to get 12 Free Printable Mirror Affirmation Cards.

How to Use Affirmations

I put these exact affirmation & motivation cards on my mirror, look at myself, and repeat it out loud every day. Even when I feel dumb. Even if what I’m saying isn’t true right now, I’m giving my brain a positive vote for the person I want to be.

Your brain believes what you tell it, so get in the habit of telling it all the things you’re striving to be.

Imposter Syndrome, Self Doubt, And Things that Help.

The thing I struggle with the most is imposter syndrome and doubting myself. Feeling like, who am I to do this? What do I know about that?

I find myself thinking, “I’m not an expert, maybe I just got lucky?” Or “What makes me think I can actually help other moms, or hit a goal, or become some dream version of myself?”

Sometimes even when I have the evidence right in front of me like:

  • Hitting 5-figure months as a mom of 4 blogging and content creating
  • Moms commenting, DMing, and emailing about how much they love my content and how it inspires them.
  • Or when I finally lost 70lbs and have been able to keep it off even after 2 more pregnancies.
  • Or the fact that I know just how hard I’ve worked and how many hours I’ve put into my work and goals to know it isn’t luck, etc.

So I surround myself with things that help me to believe in myself and motivates and inspires me.

So when I start to feel like “who am I to try to do this?” Or “you’re such an imposter”, Of you’ll never be able to do that.” I know it’s just my doubts and fears trying to hold me back. And I’m more quickly able to move forward and remind myself that I am capable, I’m not an imposter, and I am enough.

So I read and repeat affirmations in the mirror, I buy the cute tees with inspiring quotes, and I follow accounts that inspire and motivate me. Because dream me is confident and brave and believes in herself and in what she has to offer the world.

And I’ve learned that those are not qualities you’re either born with or your not. They are all skills that can be acquired. So I work every day to become even more confident, sure of myself, and brave. And these little things I surround myself with make all the difference.

Affirmations + Action: Goal Setting Template

Affirmations are extremely helpful tools, and a great first step but they are just one piece of the puzzle. But when you add action and a plan behind it, that’s when you truly make strides toward becoming the best version of yourself and creating a life you love.

And the best way that I’ve found to start accomplishing your biggest dreams is by:

  • Identifying your biggest dreams
  • and breaking them down into smaller achievable goals.

This is how I was able to finally lose 70 lbs after failing for years, how my husband and I were able to pay off all $20k of credit card debt, and how I was able to double my blog income all in one year.

It’s been so effective for me that I created a free goal setting template to help you do the same. Click here to see my goal setting method.

Planning how to get what you want out of life and using affirmations to stay positve and motivated is the secret sauce to being in control of your own life and happiness.


The power of motivation and affirmations cannot be overstated. They can help you stay focused on your goals, build self-confidence and create a positive outlook in life.

By reminding yourself that anything is possible if you put in the effort, rejecting negative thoughts about yourself and others, embracing change, and investing in your mental health – you are taking control of your own future. With these mirror affirmation cards as reminders each day to keep pushing forward towards success, there’s nothing stopping you from achieving greatness!

So start today mama. you’ve got this.

Want to remember this post? Pin it to your favorite Pinterest board!

52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (61)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (62)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (63)
52 Printable Weekly Mirror Affirmation Cards to Encourage Self Love all Year Long (PDF + PNG Files) (2024)


Do affirmation cards work? ›

However many studies show that practicing positive affirmations daily (even up to three times daily) can have dramatic benefits on your mindset. Our top tip for making this possible is choosing the same time each day to pull a card e.g first thing in the morning when you are setting your intentions for the day.

What are powerful affirmations to say daily? ›

I feel more grateful each day. I am getting healthier every day. Each and every day, I am getting closer to achieving my goals. Through the power of my thoughts and words, incredible transformations are happening in me and within my life right now.

How do you pull affirmation cards? ›

How to use your affirmation cards
  1. Shuffle the cards and select one that you feel drawn to without looking. Treat this affirmation as a message from the universe to focus in on. ...
  2. Choose one or two affirmation cards that you'd like to embody that day or week and put them somewhere your eyes will see often.
Feb 6, 2020

How do you practice self love affirmations? ›

75 self-love affirmations
  1. I am worthy of love and respect.
  2. My self-esteem grows when I praise myself.
  3. I am enough just as I am.
  4. I accept myself unconditionally.
  5. I love and accept all parts of myself.
  6. My inner beauty shines brightly.
  7. I deserve all the good things in life.
  8. I am proud of who I am becoming.
Mar 9, 2024

Are affirmations real or fake? ›

One of the key psychological theories behind positive affirmations is self-affirmation theory (Steele, 1988). So, yes, there are empirical studies based on the idea that we can maintain our sense of self-integrity by telling ourselves (or affirming) what we believe in positive ways.

Do affirmations really work? ›

Practicing affirmations can activate the reward system in your brain, which can have an impact on the way you experience both emotional and physical pain. Knowing you have the ability to manage stress and other life difficulties can help boost confidence and self-empowerment, further promoting faith in yourself.

Who God says I am affirmation cards? ›

The 'Who God Says I Am' Affirmation Cards from Trudy Letters include 30 DOUBLE SIDED cards: one side an affirmation and the other side, the Bible verse (truth) that relates as found in Scripture. These affirmations are grounded in who we are as God's beautiful creation.

What is the best affirmation method? ›

The following points can help you to write the affirmation statement that best fits your needs.
  • Think about the areas of your life that you'd like to change. ...
  • Be sure that your affirmation is credible and achievable. ...
  • Turn negatives into positives. ...
  • Write your affirmation in the present tense. ...
  • Say it with feeling.

How do you activate affirmations? ›

Look in the Mirror

One of the best ways to use affirmations is to stand in front of a mirror. Look yourself in the eyes, lift your chin up, and face whatever's bothering you. Then, say the affirmations with courage and confidence, and you'll notice how it positively affects your mindset.

How do you activate self-love? ›

đź’™ If you want to learn to relate to your thoughts in a healthier way, press play on Shift Your Perspective with Jay Shetty.
  1. Discover what self-expression looks like for you. ...
  2. Practice self-care. ...
  3. Embrace self-trust. ...
  4. Cultivate self-compassion. ...
  5. Strengthen your self-respect. ...
  6. Embrace self-acceptance.
Dec 4, 2023

How to subconsciously love yourself? ›

Self-Love Strategies
  1. Quiet your inner critic.
  2. Take yourself on dates.
  3. Be more intentional about taking care of yourself.
  4. Slow down.
  5. Practice gratitude.
  6. Try dialectical thinking.
  7. Seek out a licensed therapist.
  8. Stop idealizing others.
May 31, 2024

How do I manifest self-love? ›

Visualize: Spend time every day imagining and feeling the self-love you desire, as if it were already present in your life. Affirm: Use personal affirmations to reinforce your belief in your self-worth and cultivate a positive mindset.

Do money affirmations really work? ›

Money affirmations can help you develop this positive outlook. When you relate to your money with a sense of gratitude and openness, you may be more likely to meet goals and embrace opportunities. Yes, there are exceptions. Financial hardships can come suddenly.

How long does it take for affirmations to work? ›

For some people who commit to the process daily, they might see positive shifts in as little as a month. If the thought is deeply ingrained and you say your affirmation twice a day but continue to think and speak negatively the rest of the day, it's going to take a lot longer.

Does love affirmations really work? ›

This is an important point; as powerful as affirmations can be, they aren't magic. If you're trying to change a deep-seated negative belief like “I'm not worthy of love”, you may need support from a counsellor to uproot the belief.

Does repetition of affirmations work? ›

University of Pennsylvania researchers showed that repeating self-affirmations produces physical changes in brain regions associated with self-processing, ultimately impacting their view of themselves, and these changes are associated with subsequent positive changes in people's behaviour.

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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.