Benefits of Castile Soap and How to Use with Essential Oils (2024)

Castile soap is a 100% natural soap with no synthetic detergents or foaming agents. It can be used on all skin types to cleanse and moisturize your body, face, hands, and hair. This blog post will discuss why castile soap is so great for you!

In addition to the many benefits of castile soap, using this type of natural soap also helps reduce our carbon footprint by not having any harsh chemicals in it that are damaging to the environment.

You can use it on your entire body from head to toe because it rinses clean without any residue left behind. It can be used as an everyday cleaner for dishes, laundry, floors, bathrooms, and more.

What is Castile Soap?

Castile soap is made with 100% pure plant-based ingredient. The name comes from the region in Spain where it originated, though its production has now spread to other countries such as the United States.

Unlike other common soaps and cleansers that are made from synthetic detergents or animal fat, castile soap is made from VEGETABLE OIL! It’s available in both solid and liquid forms.

Traditionally, this versatile soap is made only from olive oil. However, nowadays castile soap is typically made up of a combination of oils, such as:

  • Coconut Oil
  • Jojoba Oil
  • Castor Oil
  • Hemp Oil
  • Palm Oil
  • Avocado Oil

Starting with a mixture of water and any one or more of these oils, the ingredients are boiled until saponification (the process by which fats turn into soap) occurs. When finished, this creates an all-natural soap that's gentle on your skin.

Why Use Castile Soap?

Why is castile soap so good? Castile soap is a type of natural soap made from oils such as olive, coconut, and castor oil. This highly versatile product has a multitude of uses that extend into both beauty and wellness regimes as well as home cleaning products.

Castile soap has been found to be kinder than most other soaps because it doesn't contain harsh chemicals like sodium lauryl sulfate or fragrance additives that can cause irritation. This means you can use it every day without fear of drying out your skin.

The versatility of this one item makes it an ideal addition to any natural living routine.

Benefits of Castile Soap and How to Use with Essential Oils (1)

Benefits of Castile Soap

Castile soap offers a wide variety of benefits that you don't want to miss out on. For example, this natural health product won't dry out the skin like other soaps will do because it contains olive oil and coconut oil which moisturize the skin.

Here are the castile soap benefits that make this ingredient a fabulous addition to your beauty arsenal:

  • All-natural
  • Vegan
  • Nontoxic
  • Biodegradable
  • Environmentally Friendly
  • Gentle to use on infants, pets, and sensitive skin
  • Unscented (makes a great base for using with essential oils)
  • It's great for those with eczema!

Plus its pH neutral formula is gentle enough for women who are pregnant or nursing too!

Adding essential oils to liquid castile soap is one of my favorite ways to utilize this all natural soap.

Where to Buy Castile Soap

When purchasing castile soap, always make sure to check all of the ingredients to make sure that they are quality and organic. Look for the unscented version so you can scent it with your essential oils.

Here is our favorite unscented liquid castile soap.

Also check to make sure that you, or anyone who will be using the soap, isn’t allergic to any of the components.

Next, let’s take a closer look at the incredible uses of this beautiful soap!

Uses of Castile Soap

Check out these castile soap uses that make this a versatile and incredible product:

All-Purpose Cleaning Spray

    From mopping to toilet cleaning, using a mixture of castile soap and your favorite essential oils makes for a wonderful all natural cleaner.

      Aromatherapy Bath

        Use castile soap as a silky base for your favorite bath soak, salts, and scrubs

        • Read More: 50 Oily Ideas for an Aromatherapy Bath

        Hand Soap

          It’s a great choice to use when making homemade hand soap recipes by adding ingredients in a pump bottle for easy use.

          • Check out our Simple Soap Recipes.

          Body Wash

            Castile soap is an excellent moisturizing base, just add your favorite essential oils for a luxurious all-natural shower product.

            • Energizing Morning Oils: Try grapefruit, eucalyptus, or rosemary essential oil
            • Calming Evening Oils: Chamomile, frankincense, or lavender essential oil

            DIY Essential Oil Body Wash for Health Skin


                Boost shine and softness by using castile soap as a gentle shampoo.

                • If you do use castile soap for shampoo you will need to follow with an acidic conditioning rinse. You can read more about that at Dr. Bronners.

                Add a little coconut oil to help moisturize your scalp.

                • Add essential oils for extra moisturizing and calming benefits: Lavender Oil, Clary Sage Oil, Sandalwood oil

                  Dish Soap

                    Make a simple yet purifying dish soap by mixing 1 part castile soap and 10 parts water, give it a lovely scent with lemon essential oil!

                      Produce Rinse

                        Wash pesticides and dirt off of your vegetables and fruits by adding ¼ of a tablespoon to a bowl of water, gently scrub your produce and then rinse with fresh water.

                          Makeup Remover

                            Cleanse your skin without making it dry by using castile soap. It’s wonderful for sensitive skin!

                            • Mix equal parts castile soap, witch hazel, and your favorite carrier oil. You can also use castile soap to gently clean your makeup brushes.

                            Plant Spray

                            • Keep away bugs by combining 1 quart water and 1 tablespoon castile soap.
                            • Place into a spray bottle and mist plants as needed.

                            Lavender Essential Oil Bath Soak With Castile Soap

                            Ease away the day with a relaxing bath soak infused with lavender essential oil. Lavender is known for its calming properties and can be used to help alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression. Follow these simple steps below to create this soothing DIY bath soak!

                            • 1 tablespoon Castile Soap
                            • 6 drops Lavender Essential Oil
                            • Warm bath

                            Directions: Fill bathtub with warm water. Mix soap and essential oils together in a small bowl. Once blended together, pour into bathtub and swirl water to mix the bath soak recipe in.

                            DIY Essential Oil Cleaning Recipes Guide

                            While cleaning is not one of my things, homemade cleaning can actually be fun. I enjoy any reason to use my essential oils so having DIY cleaning recipes using essential oils makes me happy.

                            Once you make over your cleaning routine you will enjoy a naturally clean home that is environmentally friendly and safe for your family.

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                            Benefits of Castile Soap and How to Use with Essential Oils (3)

                            Benefits of Castile Soap and How to Use with Essential Oils (4)Author Bio: Lindsay Sibson

                            World Traveler. Writer. Lifestyle Design Enthusiast. Minimalist. Adventurer. I love traveling the world and living out of a backpack!
                            Benefits of Castile Soap and How to Use with Essential Oils (2024)
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                            Name: Nathanial Hackett

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                            Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.