Five of Swords Card Meaning: Love, Health, Money & More (2024)

Let’s get ready to rumble! The Five of Swords taroAlso in combinations with other tarot cardt card in a reading represents conflict or drama that is about to come into your life.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that the problems you will come into contact with will be scary or impossible to deal with, but there is sure to be a hard battle.

Minor disagreements with friends or family members might be coming to a head. Perhaps, you’ll start to experience more conflict at work.

If you hope to overcome the issues that are headed your way, you’ll need to sharpen your swords. The appearance of this card reminds you that now is the time to prepare yourself for the battle that is coming.

Table of Contents

Five of Swords Tarot Card: Key Terms

Before we dive deep into the upright and reversed Five of Swords Tarot card meanings, it’s important to discuss the most important words and some facts connected to this Minor Arcana card.

UprightBattles, arguments, conflict, defeat, surrender, serious violence
ReversedCompromise, moving forward, solutions to a conflict, overcoming challenges
Yes or NoNo
Astrological SignUranus

Five of Swords Tarot Card Description

Take a good look at the following illustration of the Five of Swords Tarot card. It’ll help you understand its meaning and symbolism better.

Five of Swords Card Meaning: Love, Health, Money & More (1)
  • Man in the Foreground: There are five swords in total shown on the card. But in the foreground, a man is holding only three of them. He has a look of contempt on his face as he looks back at those he has defeated.
  • Two Men: In the background, two defeated men have their backs turned and are walking away hanging their heads in defeat. Their portrayal adds a sense of sadness and loss to the card.
  • Swords on the Ground: Two swords lie on the ground, similar to the fallen cups in the Five of Cups. These swords symbolize forgotten or neglected tools, possibly belonging to the figures walking away. In such a context, they represent defeat or our own shortcomings.
  • Clouds: The clouds in the sky hang ominously, signifying that although the battle is over, all is not well.
  • Water: The presence of water in the Five of Swords mirrors its appearance in the Two of Swords. It indicates the intellect coupled with the subconscious. It suggests that the man with the swords may be disconnected from his own subconscious, lacking awareness of its influence.

Upright Five of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

In the upright position, the Five of Swords stands for disagreements or other battles present or impending in your life. The chaos that ensues is usually brought on by a lack of communication, so the best thing you can do to overcome this is to talk it out.

Are you having trouble coming to a compromise with someone close to you? Speak your feelings and hold nothing back. You will have to talk it out to gain the clarity and understanding that you seek.

Money and Career Meaning

In a career reading, the Five of Swords tells us you are dealing with a great deal of dispute at work. This could be caused by a lack of communication or a complete lack of it at all.

If you find yourself in a position where you are tempted to defend yourself, choose your words wisely.

If this minor arcana card appears in money can career reading, you should consider it a reminder that self-sabotaging behavior does not serve you or those around you.

You need to speak with purpose and remember that kindness goes a long way at any time you are trying to resolve a problem.

You may feel like now is the time for you to walk away and pursue a new career. This could be a great option if the issues you are experiencing are resulting from the culture of the workplace but make sure to examine your part in this as well.

It’s also important to note that the Five of Swords can sometimes indicate that you are part of the problem. Have you taken on a lot of debt because of impulsivity? It’s possible that a change in your behavior could go a long way to fix your current situation.

Love and Relationships Meaning

When the Five of Swords appears in a love tarot card reading, it represents relationship problems in several different areas. As with money and career, your disagreements likely revolve around your need to learn to communicate more effectively.

On the other hand, self-sabotaging actions could play a part as well. Do you put up with cheating, infidelity, or other bad habits? Engaging in such actions will ultimately harm you.

The person that is meant to love you will cause you no harm. When you are put in a position to choose your health and happiness or the emotions of another person, pick yourself every time.

Like the two men depicted on the face of the Five of Swords, sometimes winning the battle means walking away from it altogether.

Health and Spirituality Meaning

With spirituality, this card represents your wisdom and empathetic nature that you gained from first-hand experience. The trials you faced have positively shaped who you are and will allow you to assist others in their journeys.

Don’t be surprised if people start to reach out to you for advice. You have much to share and sometimes you already know what they need because of your telepathic powers.

In a health reading, the Five of Swords foretells a possible illness in your future. The sickness that you experience may be related to a habit of not taking care of yourself or not communicating with your doctor effectively.

You’ll have to put up a big fight to overcome this, but the outcome will be positive if you remain fully focused on recovery.

Reversed Five of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

Let’s discuss what Five of Swords reversed suggests.

Five of Swords Card Meaning: Love, Health, Money & More (2)

In a reversed position, the Five of Swords tells you that it’s time to end the battle and to forgive and forget. As such, the reversed form of this card points to a good omen.

So, if you see this card in a spread, you can expect a resolution of conflict, finding harmony, and finally realizing peace within.

You’ll let go of resentments and stop holding grudges toward people that have wronged you in the past. Now is the time to relax and enjoy life – the worst part is over!

The Five of Swords reversed also serves as a warning sign that if you’re not willing to settle, things can escalate very badly and that you put a lot at risk.

Sometimes, you have to accept things and let go of your ego. Even if you’re right about something, it’s probably a waste of your time to prove this. Instead, put your energy into more productive efforts.

Money and Career Meaning

In a career Tarot reading, the reversed Five of Swords signifies the potential resolution of conflicts in the workplace. It suggests that tensions are easing, communication is improving, and compromises are being reached.

This card emphasizes the importance of open lines of communication and finding peaceful resolutions to workplace issues. It can also indicate that you need to make significant sacrifices to overcome career challenges.

However, be cautious as the reversed Five of Swords can also indicate an escalation of conflict, with someone attempting to sabotage your progress.

Pay attention to any signs of deception or underhanded dealings, as they may be exposed, leading to consequences for those involved. It is essential to act with integrity in your professional life to avoid negative repercussions.

In a financial Tarot spread, the reversed Five of Swords meaning suggests the exposure of any questionable financial practices or dealings. It serves as a reminder to act ethically and responsibly when managing your finances.

By doing so, you can avoid negative consequences and ensure your financial well-being. This card also indicates a potential release of tension and finding resolutions to financial challenges.

If you have been struggling to manage your finances, this card offers hope for improvement and a way forward.

Love and Relationships Meaning

The reversed 5 of Swords love meaning suggests that you and your partner are working towards resolving conflicts and finding compromises in your relationship.

You are letting go of past arguments and learning to communicate better, but it requires ongoing effort to maintain this newfound peace. But be mindful of falling back into old patterns that could destroy the progress you have made.

Additionally, the reversed Five of Swords can also indicate a breakdown in communication. If there has been deceit or unfaithfulness, there is a possibility of public exposure, shame, and regret.

If you are in an abusive relationship, this card serves as a warning to recognize the danger and take steps to protect yourself before it escalates.

For those who are single, the reversed Five of Swords represents a change in perception regarding a potential partner. You might have been overly critical or dismissive before but are now willing to give them a chance, or vice versa.

Alternatively, you may have realized that a potential partner is not suitable for you and are letting them go to pursue more compatible connections.

Health and Spirituality Meaning

In a health Tarot reading, the reversed Five of Swords suggests that you will find a resolution to a persistent health issue.

However, it might require you to make compromises or sacrifices, such as giving up a beloved food or modifying your fitness routine to accommodate an injury. The key is that a solution is within reach, and with some adjustments, you can improve your well-being.

In terms of spirituality, the reversed Five of Swords signifies overcoming a significant obstacle on your spiritual journey. This progress may have necessitated letting go of old belief systems and traditions that no longer serve you.

By releasing these limitations, you are now free to embark on a spiritual path that aligns with your true self and brings you fulfillment. It’s a time of growth and discovery in your spiritual exploration.

Five of Swords: Yes or No

The Five of Swords, in general, represents a bad omen. When this card appears in your reading, it tells a story of discord, defeat, stress, and anxiety. Because there is no positive association with this card, the answer in a Yes or No reading to your question is “no”.

Five of Swords and Astrology

The Five of Swords is linked to the zodiac sign Aquarius, adding rebellious and innovative energy to its interpretation. As the water-bearer, Aquarius embodies a spirit of nonconformity and challenges outdated norms.

Ruled by Uranus, the planet of revolution, Aquarius individuals have a natural aversion to authority and a strong desire to carve their own path. They are true rebels at heart, unafraid to break free from the constraints of tradition and embrace their unique perspectives.

With the Five of Swords, the influence of Aquarius adds an extra layer of defiance and originality to the card’s meaning. It encourages you to embrace your individuality and fearlessly pursue your vision, even if it means going against the grain.

Five of Swords: Important Card Combination

The Five of Swords stands for conflicts or other battles present or impending in your life. Also, in combination with other tarot cards, it’s often a sign of disagreements and defeat.

Five of Swords and the Magician

When the combination of Five of Swords and the Magician Tarot card appears, it represents the power of words. It serves as a warning to be careful what you say to others, especially when you are feeling stressed or angry.

When we allow our emotions to take over when we are trying to communicate, the result is rarely a good one. It is important to say what you mean and mean what you say. You should avoid speaking with a sharp tongue wherever possible.

Five of Swords and the Empress

When you see this duo appear in a reading, it is an indication of neglect. Are you in a relationship where you feel you aren’t getting everything you need to be happy?

The combo of Five of Swords and the Empress Tarot card is here to remind you that you don’t deserve that kind of treatment. It’s up to you to stand up for yourself and demand the treatment that you want and need. Don’t let anyone make you feel neglected or unwanted.

Five of Swords and Nine of Wands

If you get the Five of Swords and the Nine of Wands in a reading, you are being taken advantage of in an important relationship in your life. Perhaps a friend is taking more than he or she is putting into your friendship.

Now is the time to pay close attention to the people you keep around you and to commit some time to think about what this person contributes to your life.

A healthy and happy relationship involves some give and take from both partners involved. If you are doing too much, or your friend is doing too little, it is time to re-evaluate and possibly walk away. you don’t want to be in a toxic relationship as it can lead to depression and anxiety.

Five of Swords and Ten of Pentacles

The combination with the Ten of Pentacles is here to alert you of an unhappy family situation. Is there a conflict going on in your home that has come to a head recently?

If so, the cards strongly encourage you to take control of the situation and to put some serious effort into de-escalating things. You deserve to live in a happy home with a harmonious family.

When you are home, you should be in a place of relaxation. No matter how bad you feel the situation has become, there is always a way to find the resolution you seek.

Focus on living authentically and you will find deliverance from the issues you are having in every area of your life.

The Five of Swords Tarot Card in a Reading

That’s all for the Five of Swords tarot meaning! Can’t get enough? If you have pulled the upright or reversed Five of Swords card in your spread, did the meaning make sense to your situation in life?

Let us know by commenting down below. Plus, if you’re a Tarot beginner and want to learn how to read Tarot cards, consider reading our Tarot Beginners Guide.

Five of Swords Card Meaning: Love, Health, Money & More (2024)


Five of Swords Card Meaning: Love, Health, Money & More? ›

When it comes to love and relationships, the Five of Swords brings forth challenges and conflicts arising from a lack of communication. Arguments and serious conflicts may arise, potentially leading to defeat or walking away. In extreme cases, it can indicate bullying, abuse, or violence.

What is the advice of the 5 of Swords Tarot card? ›

This card is often associated with a victory through deceit. As advice, this may say: watch your back. Betrayal is possible. But it can also advise to use honesty to achieve your goals.

What does the lovers health mean in Tarot cards? ›

Health- Lovers card says you'll get the right support to deal with health challenges. Maybe it's a friend or family member who's there for you. It can also mean making choices about your health. Take care of your heart and listen to what your body needs.

What does the 5 of wands mean in a relationship Tarot card reading? ›

In love and relationships, the Five of Wands suggests the presence of rows, arguments, and conflicts. It may indicate a lack of harmony, with partners struggling to see eye-to-eye on important issues. Frustration, irritability, and pent-up aggression can contribute to these disagreements.

What is the result of the 5 of swords reversed? ›

After a long and hard fight, the Five of Swords reversed indicates that the end result is a terrible loss. You tried your best and the loss may not seem fair. But sometimes you just can't win, despite your best efforts.

What is the action of the Five of Swords? ›

Five of Swords suggests a better way forward that will benefit everyone involved. As a redirection, Five of Swords could symbolise a need to: Take a look at your role within a conflict and see where you could make changes to your approach.

What is the general meaning of the swords in tarot? ›

The swords symbolize the intellect, and the heart, the emotions which always suffer under this treatment. The Four of Swords symbolizes avoidance. Setting problems to the side, (the swords on the wall), while one prays for deliverance. This card can also represent surrender, or in some cases, pacifism.

Which tarot cards indicate true love? ›

The first card is The Lovers Card, which symbolizes deep connection, attraction, and unity between two people. The second card is The Ace of Cups, representing the start of a new relationship filled with love and emotional experiences. The third card is The Two of Cups, signifying mutual love and balanced soulmates.

What is the lovers tarot card finances? ›

When it comes to career and finances, the upright Lovers card brings with it the promise of renewal, exciting changes, and wise decisions. This card can signify beneficial partnerships, such as a business partner or a harmonious connection with a coworker, which can lead to success and growth in your professional life.

What does the lovers mean in money? ›

When it comes to money, the Lovers card can indicate that major financial decisions must be made. You may have to choose between one major expense and another; the main thing to remember is that it appears that you cannot have both.

What does the five of swords mean in Tarot? ›

When the Five of Swords appears in a tarot reading, it's time to examine your relationship with confrontation. Whether you're always running into the fire or trying your hardest to ignore it until everything blows up, it's time to reexamine how you handle tension.

What does the 5 card in Tarot mean? ›

The Hierophant stands for righteousness, sacredness, hierarchical order, orthodoxy, and moral righteousness. He is an exoteric figure, in contrast to the esoteric symbolism of The High Priestess. Reversed, the Hierophant can be interpreted as standing for unorthodoxy, originality, and gullibility.

How many tarot cards should I pull for a love reading? ›

My favorite relationship spread involves pulling three cards for a quick energetic read on a situation. This one may be utilized for romantic relationships, friendships, work colleagues or any situation around partnership to gain better insight into the energy surrounding your connection.

What is the Five of Swords card of the day? ›

The Five of Swords advises you not to waste another minute resisting your tasks with avoidance, exasperation, or procrastination. Get organized in your thinking! Pull out your calendar. Partition off one sacred hour a day, for seven days, to plug away at the task. Keep your commitment to yourself.

What do wands represent in tarot? ›

The meanings of the Wands Tarot cards deal with the spiritual level of consciousness and mirror what is important to you at the core of your being. They address what makes you tick – your personality, ego, enthusiasm, self-concept, and personal energy, both internal and external.

What does the 5 of Wands tarot card mean Wikipedia? ›

The key meanings of the Five of Wands: Anxiety. Conflict. Disagreement. Solidarity.

What does the 5 card in tarot mean? ›

The Hierophant stands for righteousness, sacredness, hierarchical order, orthodoxy, and moral righteousness. He is an exoteric figure, in contrast to the esoteric symbolism of The High Priestess. Reversed, the Hierophant can be interpreted as standing for unorthodoxy, originality, and gullibility.

What is the Page of swords advice? ›

Cultivate patience, embrace open-mindedness, and seek continuous growth and learning. Harness your creative ideas, express yourself confidently, and avoid mind games or manipulation. Remember, the Page of Swords is a reminder to balance intellect with intuition, logic with spirituality, and curiosity with groundedness.

What does 5 of swords mean in Rider Waite? ›

When the Five of Swords appears in a tarot reading, it's time to examine your relationship with confrontation. Whether you're always running into the fire or trying your hardest to ignore it until everything blows up, it's time to reexamine how you handle tension.

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