For a Large Landscape, Consider the Stunning Dawn Redwood (2025)

If you have the space, dawn redwood is one of the most beautiful and special trees you can plant. It has lush needles, a graceful pyramidal form, and an elegant branching pattern. The tree grows fast, up to 3 feet per year, and it easily reaches 70 feet in height although smaller cultivars are available.

Dawn redwood is a deciduous conifer. It looks like an evergreen during the growing season as it is clothed in soft green needles. The foliage turns russet-red in autumn before gracefully falling from the branches. Because dawn redwood is a prehistoric tree that was widespread 50 million years ago, it is also referred to as a living fossil. Birds seek out the dense branches of the tree for nesting.

Dawn Redwood Tree Overview

Genus NameMetasequoia glyptostroboides
Common NameDawn Redwood Tree
Plant TypeTree
Height70 to 90 feet
Width20 to 40 feet
Foliage ColorBlue/Green, Chartreuse/Gold
Season FeaturesColorful Fall Foliage
Special FeaturesAttracts Birds, Low Maintenance
Zones4, 5, 6, 7, 8
PropagationGrafting, Seed, Stem Cuttings

Where to Plant Dawn Redwood

Dawn redwood needs a spot in full sun that is large enough to accommodate the mature tree without it outgrowing and shading other trees around it. The soil at the planting site should be rich, moist yet well-drained, and acidic.

The tree is useful for casting shade and adding privacy to decks, patios, and other outdoor living areas during the spring and summer months. As it is not an evergreen, it is not a good choice for windbreaks or privacy during the cold-weather months.

How and When to Plant Dawn Redwood

Plant the tree in the early fall. Dig a hole that is at least twice as wide and has the same depth as the plant's root ball. Position the tree in the planting hole so the top of the root ball is level with the surrounding grade. Backfill with the original soil. Water well. Unless there is frequent and abundant rain, water the tree to keep the soil moist but not soggy. Stop watering when the ground freezes. During the next growing season, water during dry spells. Dawn redwood is rarely browsed by deer though it is always a good idea to protect a young tree with a tree guard for the first couple of growing seasons.

Dawn redwood is usually planted as a specimen tree. If you plant more than one, space the trees at least 25 feet apart.

Dawn Redwood Care Tips

If you have the necessary space, dawn redwood is easy to grow and does well in a wide range of conditions.


Full sun—at least six hours of direct sunlight per day—is required so the tree grows to its full potential.

Soil and Water

Dawn redwood prospers in moist, well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter but it adapts to a variety of soil types. Its soil pH requirements, on the other hand, are more specific. Like all redwood species, it needs acidic soil; a pH of 4.5 is ideal.

Consistent moisture is also key for the tree’s health. It is able to survive dry spells. However, dry soil slows down its growth and often causes the needles to turn brown in the summer and drop prematurely. Be sure to water the tree in times of little rainfall.

Temperature and Humidity

Dawn redwood is a hardy tree that is well adapted to winters down to Zone 4. However, it does not tolerate early frosts in the fall that may injure the tender late-season growth. This is not something you can avoid but it makes it all the more important to abstain from fertilizing the tree after midsummer. High humidity, unlike hot, dry weather, is not an issue.


If the tree has been planted in rich soil, there is no need to add commercial fertilizer unless a specific nutrient is lacking. Dawn redwood is highly susceptible to iron deficiency, which causes a yellowing of the needles. Only a soil test performed in a laboratory will reveal if that is the case. Make sure to get the soil tested before adding anything to the soil.

For an annual nutrient boost, instead of fertilizer, spread a 2-inch layer of compost underneath the tree's canopy in the early spring.


Dawn redwood should not be pruned except to remove dead, broken, or diseased branches. Choose the planting location well. If the tree starts to outgrow is allocated space, pruning or shearing it to control its size is not recommended.

Potting and Repotting Dawn Redwood

Due to its large size, dawn redwood is not suitable to be grown in pots.

Pests and Problems

Dawn redwood is generally free of pests and diseases. It is susceptible to redwood branch canker, a fungal disease. Trees under heat stress have lower resistance to the fungal spores.

How to Propagate Dawn Redwood

Propagation of dawn redwood is best left to nursery professionals. The seedsare very small and germination is slow. Propagation from softwood or hardwood cuttings requires a precisely formulated rooting hormone solution and outdoor rooting beds with bottom heat.

Types of Dawn Redwood

'Miss Grace'

For a Large Landscape, Consider the Stunning Dawn Redwood (1)

This weeping dawn redwood has cascading branches cloaked in soft green needles. It sprawls on the ground but can also be staked as a small tree that slowly grows 10 feet tall and 3 feet wide. Zone 5-8


For a Large Landscape, Consider the Stunning Dawn Redwood (2)

Also known as golden dawn redwood, 'Ogon.' bears stunning chartreuse foliage in the spring and summer months and turns a lovely shade of bronze in autumn. It reaches 100 feet in height when mature. Zones 4-8

‘Emerald Feathers'

This dwarf variety only grows 15 feet tall and 7 feet wide in ten years. The feather-like foliage is bright green. Zone 4-8

'Nitschke Cream'

The new foliage of this cultivar starts out cream-colored and turns green as it matures. The tree reaches up to 10 feet in height in 10 years. Zone 4-8

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are dawn redwood trees related to sequoia trees?

    Yes, they are related. Dawn redwood belongs to the subfamily of redwoods (Sequoioideae), which is part of the family of coniferous trees (Cupressaceae). The subfamily includes two other redwoods, the coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) and the giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum).

  • Are dawn redwoods rare?

    Dawn redwood was one of the most widespread trees in the Northern Hemisphere during the Tertiary period but then it was thought to be extinct until seeds were discovered in central China in the 1940s. Although it was brought back into cultivation, it is still a rare tree in nature and considered an endangered species.

For a Large Landscape, Consider the Stunning Dawn Redwood (2025)


Where is the best place to plant a dawn redwood tree? ›

Plant this tree in acidic to neutral soil that stays consistently moist—or where a water source for irrigation is near at hand. Dawn redwood will not do well in dry soil, and it needs full sun to grow its best. Choose a location with plenty of empty space surrounding the tree, as this huge specimen will need the room.

What are the characteristics of a dawn redwood tree? ›

This is a large, fast-growing, deciduous, pyramidal evergreen tree that grows up to 100' tall with attractive, feathery foliage that is easy to transplant. It has spreading branches that droop with age. Pin branchlets are paired, and drop as a unit.

Can Dawn redwood grow in shade? ›

6+ hours of direct sunlight needed for Dawn Redwoods to thrive. Morning sun, afternoon shade prevents stress and sunburn in trees. South-facing windows (North in Southern Hemisphere) ideal for indoor light.

Are Dawn redwood roots invasive? ›

The Dawn Redwood transplants very well and does not appear to have the aggressive root system found on the Giant Sequoia. There are several cultivars with possibly the 'National' and 'Sheridan Spire', the most popular for urban tree plantings.

Can Dawn redwood survive winter? ›

Their experiments—in which seedlings survived harsh winters in Alaska, British Columbia, Washington and Oregon—found that the dawn redwood is suited to live in environments much colder than China; their range likely once included such frigid climates.

What is the lifespan of a dawn redwood tree? ›

A tree for the next generation, under ideal conditions it can be expected to live to a ripe old age of 100 years or more. Some trees have a lifespan of 400 years. Dawn redwoods need adequate growing space.

Does Dawn Redwood like wet soil? ›

The preferred soil is moist and moderately fertile, but Metasequoia does not appear to be impacted by drought, having survived in urban landscapes during recent summer droughts. It will also tolerate wet soil.

Can you overwater Dawn Redwood? ›

Thirsty Roots or Drowning Sorrows: Watering Woes

Dawn Redwood trees are like Goldilocks when it comes to their moisture needs – the soil should be neither too wet nor too dry. Overwatering can suffocate their roots, while underwatering can leave them parched and distressed.

How fast do Dawn Redwood trees grow? ›

If you have the space, dawn redwood is one of the most beautiful and special trees you can plant. It has lush needles, a graceful pyramidal form, and an elegant branching pattern. The tree grows fast, up to 3 feet per year, and it easily reaches 70 feet in height although smaller cultivars are available.

What is the best fertilizer for Dawn Redwood trees? ›

With any of the above techniques, a balanced mixture should be used; 20-20-20 or similar mix is a good choices. Organic fertilizers, like manure, can also be used with good results. The material should be worked into open soil at a rate of one bushel per 6' of shrub or 100 square feet of bed area.

How deep are Dawn Redwood roots? ›

Despite their massive height, coastal redwoods have surprisingly shallow root systems – only 6-12 feet deep, with no taproot.

Why is my Dawn Redwood turning yellow? ›

Yellowing of leaves is chlorosis caused by disease or nutrient deficiency, usually iron. There is a decrease of chlorophyll. Also, Dawn Redwood foliage turns yellow in the fall. The tree could be shutting down early.

Can you top a dawn redwood? ›

Shaping: Dawn redwoods are naturally conical, but you can shape them to your preference. Avoid heavy pruning on the upper branches, as this can result in sparse growth.

Will Dawn redwood grow in clay soil? ›

Dawn redwood is an extraordinarily adaptable tree. It will grow best in moist to well-drained soil, but will tolerate poor compacted soils, sand and clay.

Why is my dawn redwood turning brown? ›

Is your redwood tree turning brown? Here's why. A lack of water is usually what turns redwoods from fresh green to a bone-dry brown. But some pests and disease also cause redwoods to change color.

How much space does a Dawn Redwood need? ›

Dawn redwood is rarely browsed by deer though it is always a good idea to protect a young tree with a tree guard for the first couple of growing seasons. Dawn redwood is usually planted as a specimen tree. If you plant more than one, space the trees at least 25 feet apart.

Where do redwood trees grow best? ›

The Sierra Redwoods grow natively only in California. They are found on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada at elevations ordinarily between 5,000 and 8,000 feet. Some trees have been found as low as 3,000 feet elevation and a few grow at an elevation of 8,400 feet.

Are Dawn redwoods hard to grow? ›

Dawn redwoods are care-free trees if grown in the proper location. The conical shaped tree grows quickly with adequate moisture and has few pests and diseases. Other than adding compost annually and mulching to maintain soil moisture, dawn redwoods require little fertilizer.

How far do dawn redwood roots spread? ›

Redwood roots can extend over 50 feet in every direction. Most redwood roots are located in the top three feet of soil.

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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.