How to Make Cheese at Home Without Rennet - Easy Homemade Recipes! (2024)


Rating: 4 (4 votes)


By Nidhi Nangia. Updated: July 22, 2021

How to Make Cheese at Home Without Rennet - Easy Homemade Recipes! (2)

Cheese is a staple ingredient in many dishes around the world. Food items made with cheese taste are not only delicious, but are healthy and look great too! There are many different types of cheeses, each with their own taste and texture. When making cheese however, one thing always remains the same, they require rennet. Rennet contains a set of enzymes which produces the separation of milk into a solid curd. Rennet is a type of curdled milk, which is extracted from a calf’s stomach and is therefore not vegan-friendly.

If you love cheese, but are vegan, take a look at this oneHOWTO article on how to make cheese at home without rennet.

You may also be interested in: How to Make Cheese Curd at Home


  1. What is rennet?
  2. How can I make vegetarian rennet?
  3. Types of Cheese Made Without Rennet
  4. How to make cheese without rennet

What is rennet?

Before we discuss about how to make cheese at home without rennet, let’s have a look at what it is and why people avoid cheese made with this ingredient. Rennet is the main ingredient used for coagulating cheese. Chymosin is a primary enzyme in rennet which is derived from the fourth stomach lining of a new-born calf. The calf carries this enzyme so that it can digest its mother cow’s milk effectively. Rennet can also be taken from the stomach of piglets, also present to aid the digestion process of the animal. Inside the stomach the rennet curdles the milk so that it resides longer in one’s bowel and allows for better absorption.

The absence of chymosin can harm a calf’s health and digestive process. Animal rennet can be expensive and hard to find. Therefore, even if you are not vegan but want to make cheese, learning to make cheese without rennet can prove to be quite useful to you.

How can I make vegetarian rennet?

If you don’t want to use animal rennet to make cheese, you can make vegetarian rennet. It serves the same purpose as normal rennet: to coagulate milk proteins and make cheese. The only difference being that vegetarian rennet originates from microbes or vegetables. Here are a few different ways you can make vegetarian rennet:

  • Vegetable rennet: Enzymes can be collected from vegetables and plants and used to make vegetable rennet. Plants from which enzymes can be collected include: fig leaves, safflower, melons and wild thistles.
  • Microbial rennet: To make this kind of rennet, enzymes are derived from bacteria or fungi, before being fermented. However, microbial rennet has a bitter taste and is not a commonly preferred option when when making cheese.
  • Genetically engineered rennet: Fermentation produced chymosin, otherwise known as FPC, is another type of vegetarian rennet. During its making, a gene is derived from the DNA of a calf and is then mixed with the DNA of: bacteria, mold or yeast. During this process, FPC becomes a GMO product. Most cheeses are made using this type of rennet. This cheese was FDA approved in 1990.

Types of Cheese Made Without Rennet

Here are a few types of cheese that are made without rennet. These cheeses are not long aged and are freshly served soon after their production:

  • Cottage cheese: Cottage cheese is coagulated with an acidic ingredient: like vinegar. If you are looking for rennet-free cheese, choose cottage cheese.
  • Cream cheese: This is a fresh cheese made without rennet.
  • Mozzarella cheese: Stella mozzarella cheese has a soft texture that is perfect for making Panini or pizzas. Frigo cheese also has a perfect mixture of tanginess and saltiness. Both these types of mozzarella cheese are made without rennet.
  • Provolone cheese: This cheese is known for its intense flavor and serves as a great addition to warm sandwiches and casseroles.
  • Ricotta cheese: Organic ricotta cheese is light, sweet, rich and made with no rennet.
How to Make Cheese at Home Without Rennet - Easy Homemade Recipes! (4)

How to make cheese without rennet

If you don’t have access to rennet, can’t afford it or don’t want to use it in your cheese, you can use acids from vinegar or citrus for the as a substitute. Rennet becomes active when it 85 to 140°F of temperature. It is most potent when it reaches 105°F. Once the acidity of milk falls to 4.6 in pH level, and when its temperature increases to 165°F, the mixture suspends and separates into curd.

Follow these steps to achieve the same effect while using citric acid or vinegar:

Ingredients required: milk, fresh lemon juice or distilled vinegar, and salt. The more fat your milk contains, the better cheese quality you will have. But stay away from UHT milk. This kind of milk is sterilized by heating to 280°F, due to which its protein structure is modified and it does not separate.

How to make paneer cheese

Paneer is a mild cheese traditionally used in Indian dishes and does not contain rennet:

  1. Heat milk in a pan. Do not boil it. Let it foam but don’t allow it to burn.
  2. Remove from heat.
  3. Add some lemon juice or vinegar (little at a time).
  4. Keep stirring the milk while adding vinegar or lemon juice.
  5. When the right balance is achieved, the milk will start to curdle.
  6. Leave and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. During this time, it will separate completely.
  7. Use a cheesecloth laid in a sieve or colander to strain the curds.
  8. Squeeze any excess liquid out.
  9. Lay the cheesecloth flat, sprinkle some salt in it, wrap the cheesecloth and make a tight bundle with it.
  10. Press the bundle in between two plates.
  11. Leave for an hour to let it dry. And voilà, it is ready to be enjoyed! This kind of cheese does not require any aging, and is good to consume immediately.

How to make queso fresco

This is a Latin-American type of paneer that can be made by adding distilled vinegar in warm milk gradually. Most people prefer using vinegar, because lemon juice adds a tangy flavor to the cheese which they may not like.

Making cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is made by draining but not pressing cheese. You can make it at home by heating up buttermilk and milk with salt. Buttermilk is acidic as it is fermented. When you heat buttermilk, the milk will separated into curds. The fattier the buttermilk, the higher temperature it will need to curdle.

Making mascarpone

Mascarpone resembles cream and it is a main ingredient used when making tiramisu. You will need to use lemon juice and a heavier or whipping cream to make this kind of cheese. Because it has high fat content, you may need to increase the temperature to as high as 190°F. The liquid will not separate as cleanly as milk would. You don’t however need to squeeze this cheese, as it normally carries a custard-like consistency.

How to Make Cheese at Home Without Rennet - Easy Homemade Recipes! (5)

How to make homemade mozzarella without rennet

  1. Warm 2L of non-pasteurized/unboiled milk on a low flame. Stir continuously.
  2. Add 4 tbsp of white vinegar or lemon juice to split the milk.
  3. Curds should start to form in the milk. If you do not see enough curds, you might need to add 1 tbsp more of vinegar.
  4. Continuously and slowly gather all the curds into a cheese ball.
  5. Take the cheese ball you have formed out and remove the excess water from it. Now the cheese has to be put into hot water, you can use the leftover water for this.
  6. Microwave the water until it is hot and then place the cheese ball inside. Keep mixing.
  7. You have to keep the cheese in this water for 5-6 mins. After that use your hands to squeeze out all the extra water from the cheese.
  8. Now put it back in the water, take it out and again remove the extra water from it by squeezing it with your hands. You will repeat this process 2 or 3 times.
  9. Once we've done that, we will soak the cheese ball in ice-cold water for 1 or 2 mins. We recommend you use tap water and ice cubes as we want the water to be very cold.
  10. Take the cheese ball out, take out the excess water, dip it in again and repeat the process 2-3 times. Finally squeeze all excess water out.
  11. Wrap the cheese in plastic foil and freeze it so it is easy to grate. And then, you are finally done!

If you want to read similar articles to How to Make Cheese at Home Without Rennet, we recommend you visit our Recipes category.

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Can u add more vinegar to the whey u just used to make more.mozzarella? Or do u need to start all over? Thank u.



How to make homemade mozzarella without rennet step 2 is missing??

Matthew Nesbitt (oneHOWTO editor)

Hi John,

Thank you for pointing this out, it is now fixed!


Sampled The Recipe

Well my screen didn't say how much vinegar so but I used at least 1/3 cup for 1.5 gallons milk. Some of my milk was nonfat - not sure about that but I needed Lactaid milk in the mix for my lactose intolerance and nonfat was all they had. My yield for 1.5 gallons milk was only 3 little balls, each about the size of a tennis ball. I didn't have cheese cloth or flour sack, but it wasn't mentioned anyhow. But that meant my whey is not as clear, so not sure if it's any good. The cheese turned out bland so far, but it setting in the fridge. I don't mind bland cheese but if I'd known, I would have salted it. This took a lot longer than I thought, but I was dealing with a large quantity of milk and very bulky pans, so I couldn't tip them to strain them because I had to dip and pour. Probably wouldn't have started if I'd known it would take me hours. Am trying to figure how I can save time in the future. Thank you for helping me get started on first time cheese.


How to make homemade mozzarella without rennet
Warm 2L of non-pasteurized/unboiled milk on a low flame. Stir continuously.
Add 4 tbsp of white vinegar or lemon juice to split the milk.
Curds should start to form in the milk. If you do not see enough curds, you might need to add 1 tbsp more of vinegar.
Continuously and slowly gather all the curds into a cheese ball.
Take the cheese ball you have formed out and remove the excess water from it. Now the cheese has to be put into hot water, you can use the leftover water for this.
Microwave the water until it is hot and then place the cheese ball inside. Keep mixing.
You have to keep the cheese in this water for 5-6 mins. After that use your hands to squeeze out all the extra water from the cheese.
Now put it back in the water, take it out and again remove the extra water from it by squeezing it with your hands. You will repeat this process 2 or 3 times.
Once we've done that, we will soak the cheese ball in ice-cold water for 1 or 2 mins. We recommend you use tap water and ice cubes as we want the water to be very cold.
Take the cheese ball out, take out the excess water, dip it in again and repeat the process 2-3 times. Finally squeeze all excess water out.
Wrap the cheese in plastic foil and freeze it so it is easy to grate. And then, you are finally done!



does not tell me how to make mozzarella with no rennet


My comment is exactly as above. The only cheese you don't tell us how to make is mozzarella!

How to Make Cheese at Home Without Rennet - Easy Homemade Recipes! (2024)


What can I use instead of rennet to make cheese? ›

The most widely used rennet substitutes are Miehei coagulant (R. miehei proteinase), Pusillus coagulant (R. pusillus proteinase), and Parasitica coagulant (C.

Can you use lemon juice instead of rennet to make cheese? ›

The lemon juice, vinegar and citric acid can coagulate the milk without rennet but frequently work best with hot milk. The use of rennet allows to separate the milk before the acidification of the milk is too high and helps form hard curds and can be used at moderate milk temperature for an extended time.

Can I use white vinegar instead of rennet? ›

NOTE: Classic cheesemaking uses ingredients like citric acid and rennet. But white distilled vinegar works too! It turns out a little different but still amazing. If you would like to go the more classic route you can pick up a cheesemaking kit that has everything you need minus the dairy of course.

What are 3 sources of rennet? ›

Commercial nameSystematic nameSource
Calf rennetChymosinCalf stomach
Bovine rennetPepsin AAdult bovine stomach
Porcine pepsinPepsin APig stomach
Microbial rennetMucorpepsinMucor pusillus Lindt
5 more rows

Are any cheeses made without rennet? ›

Younger, soft cheeses like mozzarella, cottage cheese, cream cheese, ricotta, goat, and provolone often are not made with rennet. However, this isn't an exhaustive list, so be sure to read your labels carefully!.

What happens if you don't add rennet to cheese? ›

Too little rennet and you won't form curd. Too much rennet an you'll over-set your cheese, giving it an undesired texture. Too little calcium and the curd won't have the right texture – or even form at all. Too much calcium and the texture, hardness, and melting prosperities, can be wrong.

Is lemon or vinegar better for cheese? ›

Is it better to use vinegar or lemon juice for making homemade soft cheeses like cottage cheese or farmers cheese? Both vinegar and lemon juice can make an excellent homemade soft cheese however due to it availability, low cost, and ease of use, vinegar is often the best choice.

Does mozzarella have rennet? ›

Cheeses That Don't Use Rennet

"Many softer styles of cheese like mozzarella, paneer, ricotta, and cream cheese use whey or another type of acid as their coagulant instead of rennet, so they will be safe for vegetarians," says Birnbaum.

Which vinegar is best for making cheese? ›

¼ cup apple cider vinegar - Any acidifier such as white vinegar or lemon juice will work too. The measurement is not an exact science. Anywhere from a few tablespoons to ½ cup works well. Just be careful not to use more than ½ cup, or the cheese will begin to taste like vinegar.

What kind of cheese is made from milk and vinegar? ›

Farmer cheese, cottage cheese, and ricotta are all fresh cheeses made by curdling milk with an acidic ingredient, such as vinegar, lemon juice, or citric acid. Farmer cheese is typically dryer and firmer than both cottage cheese and ricotta.

What is a substitute for rennet powder? ›

There are very familiar microorganisms used to manufacture rennet, such as proteinases, which can replace calf rennet. In cheese production, some microorganisms such as Aspergillus oryzae, R. miehei, Rhizomucor pusillus, Endothia parasitica, and Irpex lactis are widely used to make rennet.

Is rennet necessary for cheese making? ›

For cheesemaking, rennet helps to form firm curds and is crucial in finding the right texture for your cheese. Where some recipes will use acid or an acid-producing bacteria to do this, cheesemakers use rennet to better cultivate the final flavor profile of their cheese.

What is the best coagulant for cheese? ›

The most common coagulant throughout history is rennet, or rennin, the enzyme found in the stomach of young ruminants that have not been weaned from their mother's milk. Rennet is essentially an enzyme used to convert milk sugars (lactose) into lactic acid.

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