Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (2025)

About Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (1)


549 South 6th Street West
Muskogee, OK 74401

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (2)

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Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (3)



Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (5)


(918) 687-5510

(918) 687-5510

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Estimated price list for Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors

These prices were not submitted by the funeral home. Prices are estimates and are only intended to provide directional information. You should contact the funeral home to get a general price list and confirm available services. Request exact pricing

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Estimated prices for a Burial with a Viewing, Embalming, and a Traditional Service

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (8)

This estimated price list contains information from publicly available data online and user-submitted pricing (marked with a yellow dot). It was not published by the business itself. You should always contact the business to confirm pricing information.

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (9)

For some items and services, we may be missing business-specific data. In those cases, we use average costs (marked with a blue dot) to help you get a sense of potential total prices. Contact the business to get actual pricing information.

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (10) Basic services

This is the fee for the basic organizational services that the funeral home will provide. This fee is generally mandatory.

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (11) $1,400

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (12) Transportation of the deceased

This is the fee for the funeral home to come pick up your loved one and bring him/her to the funeral home for preparation.

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (13) $300

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (14) Embalming

This is the fee for the embalming process. Embalming is generally not required if proper refrigeration is available.

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (15) $1,000

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (16) Staff for viewing or visitation

This is the fee for the services the funeral home will provide during a visitation or viewing. This is generally required if you would like to hold a viewing and visitation at the funeral home or if you will be needing any assistance from the staff.

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (17) $400

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (18) Staff for funeral or memorial service

This is the fee for the services the funeral home will provide during a funeral or memorial service. This is generally required if you would like to hold the service at the funeral home or if you will be needing any assistance from the staff for the service.

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (19) $350

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (20) Staff for graveside service

This is the fee for the services the funeral home will provide during a graveside service. This is generally required if you will be needing any assistance from the staff for the service.

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (21) $200

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (22) Use of a hearse

This is the fee to transport your loved one from the funeral home to funeral events (or between events) in a hearse.

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (23) $300

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (24) Body prep

This is the fee for additional preparation of the body, such as dressing and casketing.

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (25) $250

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (26) Casket

This is the cost to purchase a casket from the funeral home. You may choose to purchase a casket online or elsewhere, if you'd wish.

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (27) $2,000

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Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (29) Burial vault

This is the cost to purchase a burial vault from the funeral home. A burial vault is required for most cemeteries, but you may choose to purchase one online or elsewhere, if you'd wish.

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (30) $1,300

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (31) Flowers

This is a common price to purchase funeral flowers. You may purchase flowers through the funeral home or separately, if you wish.

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (32) $300

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (33) Printed programs

This is the fee to purchase printed funeral programs. You may purchase programs through the funeral home or elsewhere, if you wish.

Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (34) $150

Total estimated cost
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do you make payment arrangements this was very sudden and we are starting at nothing – Pamela A.

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Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors | Muskogee, Oklahoma (2025)


What happens at the funeral directors? ›

Together with the family members, a funeral director will determine where the funeral service will take place, the date and time of wakes, memorial services and establishing whether your loved one should be buried or cremated.

Who is the funeral director singer? ›

James Murray, who has been nicknamed 'the singing undertaker', started his unconventional venture during lockdown when restrictions saw limits imposed on the number of people who could attend a funeral. This included congregational singing, or choirs, in places of worship.

Do they drain the blood before cremation? ›

Is a body drained before cremation? Draining a body of fluids does not happen before cremation. If a body is embalmed before cremation, the bodily fluids are exchanged (drained, and then replaced) with chemicals during the embalming process. These chemicals are also fluid.

Do they take the clothes off a body before cremation? ›

Typically, if there has been a traditional funeral (with the body) present, the deceased will be cremated in whatever clothing they were wearing. If the cremation is done right after death, then it is usually done with the deceased wearing whatever clothing they were wearing at the time they died.

How much do you pay a singer at a funeral? ›

Costs and Fees for Funeral Singers

Costs for funeral singers vary widely but you can expect to pay between $100 and $200, depending on how many songs you select. You may also pay a fee for an accompanist, sound equipment, and other items that may be needed.

Which celebrity wanted to be a funeral director? ›

Angelina Jolie, 36, opened up about her new movie In the Land of Blood and Honey, wild past and her dream job during her Nov. 27 60 Minutes interview. Angelina confessed to 60 Minutes reporter Bob Simon that she was very serious about becoming a funeral director when she was young.

Who is the director of Death at a Funeral? ›

Death at a Funeral is a 2010 American black comedy film directed by Neil LaBute and written by Dean Craig. It is a remake of the 2007 film of the same name, also written by Craig.

What exactly does a funeral director do? ›

Morticians and funeral arrangers (also known as funeral directors or, historically, undertakers) plan the details of a funeral. They often prepare obituaries and arrange for pallbearers and clergy services. If a burial is chosen, they schedule the opening and closing of a grave with a representative of the cemetery.

What questions will the funeral director ask? ›

What Questions will a Funeral Director ask?
  • What type of service would you like?
  • Would you like the deceased dressed in their own clothes?
  • Would you like to visit them?
  • Is there a particular minister you would like?
  • Are there any particular songs you would like played?

Do funeral directors collect bodies at night? ›

If a doctor has confirmed an expected death you may call a funeral director of your own choice when you are ready to do so. Funeral directors provide a service any time of day or night to move the deceased to a funeral home.

What happens behind the scenes at a cremation? ›

The crematory technician will go through the ashes and remove any metals before they go in the cremulator. These metals are normally things like hip and knee replacements, as well as bits of wire from the coffin. Right now, all of the UK's crematoria metal waste gets recycled by a single company in the Netherlands.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.