MBA Résumé Templates (2024)

How to start?

Read the CRC Résumé Writing Guide and all the instructions below before you begin.

Preferred Résumé Template

MBA Résumé Template

Tips on Formatting Your Résumé Using Word
Using the CRC template is important, but you may still want to watch this quick video to learn the MS Word hacks necessary to format your résumé professionally.

Sample Résumés

The following samples show a variety of acceptable formats, which can be used by students in anyconcentration area:

View MBA Résumé Sample #1 (preferred)

View MBA Résumé Sample #3

View MBA Résumé Sample with STEM

Save your résumé using your Last Name_First Name as the file name. Example: Smith_John

Click on shaded areas in templates and appropriately enter your demographic, academic and employment information.

When applying online for jobs (not uploading documents), the CRC highly recommends students follow the guidelinesfor applying online with electronicrésumés.

Recruiters spend seconds deciding whether to place a résumé in the trash pile or interview pile. To increase your chances of securing an interview, you want create a résumé that effectively markets your qualifications in an error-free and easy-to-read format. By reducing the time and energy spent on formatting your résumé, the CRC résumé template helps you focus your attention on developing the résumé content that markets your unique experience and skills.

Many other top management programs require students use a résumé template and recruiters are accustomed to screening candidates’ skills and experience via a résumé template.

Customized for UB School of Management students, the CRC résumé template guides students in writing a résumé but also offers the flexibility to make any adjustments if necessary.

The CRC résumé template is a traditional style résumé that lists your professional experience chronologically, starting with your most recent position. The majority of résumés are written in this format, and this is also the format most employers are accustomed to seeing.

If you are completing the STEM MBA be sure to add the STEM designation to yourrésumé.

University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
MBA, Management Science, STEM, June 20XX

University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
MBA, Management Science, STEM Designated, June 20XX

University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Master of Business Administration, Management Science, STEM, June 20XX

If you have been accepted into theLeaderCORE™program then add it to yourrésumé. The LeaderCORE™application process happens in early fall. There are several ways foryou to presentLeaderCORE™to employers in yourrésumé format.Any of the following sections would be appropriate: Education, Honors, Leadership, and Certifications.

Limited Space Option
LeaderCORE™, UB School of Management

LeaderCORE™: Two-year leadership development program focusing on core management competencies (As a bullet under the Education section)

Additional Résumé Options
Selected for UB School of Management’s LeaderCORE™ program, 2018-present

LeaderCORE™, UB School of Management, 2018-present

  • Selected to participate in two-year leadership development program, focusing on core management competencies such as communication and strategic thinking. [Note: you can highlight the specific competencies on which you are focusing.]

LeaderCORE™, UB School of Management

  • Selective program to enhance core leadership competencies, with expected certification in spring 2020

If you are having trouble expanding your bullet statements, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What relevant, transferable skills did I use or develop?
  • What results can I quantify and/or highlight?
  • What was the purpose of my efforts?
  • What effect did I have on my team, organization, or client?
  • Did I collaborate with cross-functional teams and did I work with senior level staff?
  • Did senior level staff use the work I produced, and if so, for what purpose?
  • Was my work complex? How can I show this complexity with clarity?
  • What would a future employer find valuable and relevant about the work that I did?
  • Was Ian outstanding performer? How would the recruiterknow?

Some of our incoming MBA students have previous technical experience and the first drafts of those résumés tend to focus on tasks instead of results or accomplishments. Consider what yourpotentialemployers in your future industries would want to know about your experiences and not just what your past employer would find interesting. Always have the reader in mind. Here is a before and after example that shows how to turn technical job description into more management-focused bullet points.

Before - needs improvement:

Infosys Technologies Ltd, Bangalore, India
Software Engineer, 11/2014 – 05/2018

  • Worked on applications for a European-based telecom company – platforms: Unix, Sybase, VMS and Oracle
  • Provided technical support for these applications
  • Noticed bottlenecks in the process
  • Worked with others migrate of the application to the next generation software
  • Conducted solution testing and maintained the solution testing environment of the application
  • Ensured integrity of the applications by following change management procedures
  • Proactively identified problems by installing checks early in the process

After - with enhancements:

Infosys Technologies Ltd, Bangalore, India
Software Engineer, 11/2014 – 05/2018

  • Managed applications on Unix, Sybase, VMS and Oracle platforms, which calculated commissions paid by a European-based telecom company to thousands of its dealers
  • Provided technical support to users, appropriately selling additional services and applications
  • Identified and resolved bottlenecks in the process and reduced the monthly batch processing time by 23%
  • Coordinated with global team members to ensure the successful migration of the application to the next generation software
  • Conducted solution testing and maintained the testing environment of the application, ensuring software released into production did not hinder with business continuity
  • Ensured integrity of the applications by following change management procedures and identified problems by installing checks early in the process
  • Accurately documented all processes, created progress and final reports for senior management and clients

Notice that the after version shows results with actual percentages and describes the value that the employee brought to the company. Take the time to think about the skills you developed that would be transferable to your future jobs and also try to show you were successful at the tasks you performed by using those skills. Our recommendation is to research job openings for positions you would plan to apply for in the future and see what skills and qualities the companies are requesting for those jobs. How can you show that you have developed those skills in your past positions already?

MBA Résumé Templates (2024)


Does an MBA look good on a resume? ›

Yes, you should include your MBA on your resume

Employers can't help but be impressed by the degree, as they recognize the level of dedication it represents. An MBA says you can get things done, and let's face it – that's one of the key qualities employers are looking for.

How should an MBA resume look like? ›

What to include in your MBA resume
  • Contact information.
  • Objective/summary.
  • Work experience.
  • Education.
  • Technical skills.
  • Achievement/awards.
Apr 15, 2024

Are resume templates good or bad? ›

Should I use a resume template? It's never a good idea to use a resume template. Your resume should be unique and tailored to your specific skills and experience. A generic resume template will not help you stand out from the other candidates.

How far back should a MBA resume go? ›

The simplest way is by taking your resume's work history back further until it covers enough earlier relevant experience. This option is best if you gained that relevant experience right or soon before your more recent work history. Usually, go back no further than 10 to 15 years to avoid age discrimination.

Do employers care about MBA? ›

Do employers value an MBA? The quick answer is yes. An MBA on your resume helps you stand out and shows employers that, in addition to your other attributes, you have knowledge, leadership skills, and an interest in making an impact.

What makes an MBA applicant stand out? ›

It's about the experiences you've had, how they've shaped you as a leader and professional, and how the person you've become is well-positioned to have an impact on the world. Do some serious soul-searching about what sets you apart.

How long should a resume be for MBA? ›

Limit Resume Length

It's best to keep general MBA resumes to one page, and resumes for an executive MBA to no more than two pages, Grinblatt says.

Does a mini MBA look good on resume? ›

Earning credentials for your resume: You can include your certification on your resume to showcase your commitment to continued education. Including your mini MBA on a resume can help hiring managers to notice you over individuals with only bachelor's degrees or less.

Should I put MBA next to my name on resume? ›

In most cases, adding any title lower than a doctorate to your name is generally frowned upon. But there are some situations where you might be able to get away with it. If the position specifically requires an MBA, then yes, go for it. If not, stick to the Education section only.

Is it OK to put MBA candidate on resume? ›

It is fine to mention “MBA Candidate,” but give the reader something unique as well.

Do employers look at MBA grades? ›

GPA – A few top-tier companies that hire graduates from full-time MBA programs do evaluate and consider GPA when reviewing resumes. However, for most businesses, a credential from a great school will meet their hiring requirements.

Does an MBA make you more employable? ›

According to a 2022 Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) study, 84 percent of graduate management education (GME) graduates believe their degrees helped them achieve their professional goals; 87 percent report that the degree increased their employability; and 76 percent feel the degree prepared them for ...

How do I put MBA on my resume? ›

List your MBA after your name. Your resume isn't the place to be modest so add your MBA at the top of your resume, right after your name. For example, if the job position requires or prefers a candidate with an MBA, make it easy for recruiters to spot your qualifications by listing it next to your name.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.