**Official 2024 OMFS PASS/Interviews/Match/Non-Match** (2024)

Overview for the Rutgers OMFS program (2023 Update)

The program provides a well-rounded full scope experience that is shaped by the individual resident's desires and interests. Residents are held at high standards and expected to lead clinical decisions as well as perform with clinical efficiency and skill as early as PGY-1. Interested applicants are encouraged to participate in an externship. You can also find additional information regarding the Rutgers OMFS residency program on Instagram page and website.

The Program has a 4-year track and a 6-year integrated MD track with New Jersey Medical School in addition to having 4 non-categorical interns.


  • We are full scope OMFS. OR cases include dentoalveolar, orthognathics, surgical cosmetics (one of the very few programs that perform surgical cosmetics in the country), hard and soft tissue reconstruction, any and all maxillofacial trauma, TMJ, and ablative head and neck cancer and pathology (in conjunction with ENT team that harvests, anastomoses, and manages postoperative monitoring of free flaps)
  • Craniofacial cases include primary cleft lip and palate repairs (one of a minority of programs that do this), alveolar cleft bone grafts
  • Lingual nerve and Inferior Alveolar Nerve exploration and repairs (Dr. Ziccardi is one of the busiest surgeons in the country in regards to these procedures)
  • Dentoalveolar (high volume of cases from University Hospital Clinic, Dental School Clinic, and Faculty Practice)
  • Orthognathic Surgery
  • TMJ surgery including arthroscopy, arthroplasty and total joint replacements
  • Maxillofacial trauma (high volume due to University Hospital being a busy level 1 trauma center)
  • Maxillofacial reconstruction (i.e. soft tissue local flaps, large bone grafts with autogenous harvest, alveolar distraction osteogenesis, vestibuloplasty, fibula debulking for dental implants, trigeminal nerve microsurgery, etc.)
  • Benign Pathology
  • All ablative aspects of pre-malignant and malignant head and neck cancer including tracheostomy, neck dissection, full oral cavity cancer and salivary gland ablative procedures with Dr. Shanti
  • Non-surgical and Surgical Cosmetics (*Based on resident interest* one of the busiest programs in the country in regards to this - ability to perform surgical cosmetic procedures in dental school and in OR, along with full range of non-surgical procedures offered such as botox/filler/PRP injections/dermabrasion/chemical peels)
  • Dental Implants and associated procedures: OMFS residents combined place 600+ implants a year. It is very common to graduate with 300+ implants placed, full scope of procedures performed (GBR, autogenous block grafting, free gingival grafts, connective tissue grafting, all on X procedures with zygomatic and pterygoid implants, immediate loading of prostheses, sinus augmentation). Dental Students and prosthodontic residents work up many cases for surgical management
  • Sedations: Performed 3 days a week at University Hospital & 5 days a week at Dental School. Most graduates have between 400-500 anesthesia cases by graduation


· University Hospital is our main campus in Newark, NJ. University Hospital is a busy level one trauma center offering a large pool of trauma patients consisting of assaults, GSWs, MVC, and work-related injuries.
· Most of the residents live in the surrounding lively upcoming neighborhoods including Hoboken, Jersey City, Weehawken, Edgewater, suburban towns and even New York City.

· Car required

  • We have reserved guaranteed block time 4 days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday), along with 1 Wednesday a month. We mostly operate 5 days/week (or more if needed) with added-on traumas or elective cases.
  • We predominantly operate at University Hospital, but elective cases are also done on a 1-2 times/week in Newark Beth Israel in Newark (~15 minutes from University Hospital) and St. Peters Hospital in New Brunswick, NJ (~35 minutes from university hospital). Chiefs and/or seniors also attend additional orthognathic cases at John F Kennedy hospital in Edison (~20 minutes from Newark) with Dr. Aziz weekly
  • All this block time means that we have the case load to fill it consistently. The program far exceeds the CODA program requirements in all categories.
  • Takeaway: A lot of OR time (practically daily), diversity in cases

· Multiple with large volume and wide scope
1. University Hospital clinic:
a. Daily, average of 50 patients/day
b. Average of 3 residents see and treat all patients, with attending supervision
c. 4-5 IV sedation cases booked for 3 times/week, run by mid level or senior resident
d. Dentoalveolar, infections, traumas, pathology, pre and post ops
2. Dental School Clinic (located right next to university hospital, the buildings are connected):
a. Multidisciplinary practice with patients who come from outside referral, self-referral, referral from other dental school departments (general, orthodontics, pediatrics, oral medicine, dental student clinic)
b. Residents see and treat all patients, with attending supervision
c. IV sedations, procedures under LA +/- nitrous (dentoalveolar, sinus lifts, pre-prosthetic, implants, biopsies, botox, fillers), consults, pre-op, post-op, etcs
d. No responsibility to oversee dental student clinic
e. Daily: assigned 1 PGY-1 and 1 senior resident
PGY 1: Average of 15 pts/day
Senior resident:
AM: 5 IV sedations daily
PM: average 5 pts/afternoon sessions daily or an elective bigger case (see bullet points below for examples)
f. Extra OMFS chairs and IV sedations rooms can be used by residents not assigned to the dental school for elective cases. Examples cases include:
i. Multi-unit implants, All-on-4s, zygomatics implants, pterygoid implants, blepharoplasty, face lifts, lip lifts, chemical peels , various bone graft (split thickness, ramus block graft, etc)
g. Technology: Multiple implant systems available, 3D printing for in house guide making
3. Faculty practice in Newark
a. Dr. Ziccardi and Dr. Shanti
b. 2-3 times/week, half days
c. Attending clinic staffed by 2-3 residents
4. Faculty Practice in New Brunswick
a. Dr. Adachie: 4 times/week, staffed by 1 PGY-1
b. Dr. Shanti: 1 times/week, staffed by Chief Resident

· Midface alternates every third day between OMFS/Plastics/ENT
· Only at University Hospital (in house, without having to travel between sites)
· Dental call is covered by the GPR residents every day
· Averages to 4 times/month (split between PGY-1 class of 7 - 3 cat, 4 non cat- and mid levels).
· $25 stipend/call + extra $ (~$200/month for spending in cafeteria)

6 Year: (1 resident/year)

**Official 2024 OMFS PASS/Interviews/Match/Non-Match** (1)

Highlights: (compare these to other programs)
· Only 14 months of med school (clerkships, no didactics)
· Get paid all 6 years of residency
o Average of 2 calls/months while in medical school unless excused during some rotations
· Pay in-state tuition (~$32,000/year) for 2 years of med school
o Tip: always ask programs how many years of tuition need to be paid, sometimes it is more than the years you attend
· 46 months of OMFS
· 6 months of general surg
· You complete whole intern year before clerkships, this allows you to navigate through clerkships with an advantage, and have adequate experience taking OMFs call when scheduled
· Note: Step 1 (Pass/Fail) is taken prior to the start of the program

Year 1: Intern Year
o 2 months at New Brunswick Faculty practice + Saint Peters OR
o 2 months at the dental school
o Rest of time is spent at UH clinic/OR
o Residents are paid at a PGY1 level

Year 2: MS3 Med school clerkships
o Average of 2 calls/months while in medical school clerkship except Medicine rotation
o Residents are paid at a PGY2 level

Year 3: Anesthesia/Medical school/Mid-level resident

o From June to August, residents will complete their first 3 months of Anesthesia training as a full anesthesia resident. Residents are responsible for intubations, running OR cases, taking anesthesia call during this time.
o From September to November, resident will complete 4th year NJMS requirements including 1 month of emergency medicine, 1 month of SICU, and 2 weeks of PM&R, (Completing 14.5 months of medical school).

o Step 2 usually taken early this year
o December to June, resident return back to OMFS on service rotation for 7 months. During this time, the resident will be responsible for IV sedation cases in University Hospital outpatient clinic, increased exposure to OR cases with expanded roles, and placement of implants
o Residents are paid at a PGY3 level

Year 4: General surgery/ Mid-level resident

o From July to April, resident will have 6 months of general surgery rotation as a 1st year general surgery resident. All general surgery rotations are completed in University Hospital.
o During this 9 month period, residents will also complete another 3 months of Anesthesia (total of 6 months).
o From April to June, residents return back to OMFS service with mid-level responsibilities.

o Residents are paid at a PGY4 level

Year 5: Senior

o Senior residents go through 2 month blocks between being the hospital senior, dental school, and float senior
o Hospital senior is responsible for IV sedations in the outpatient clinic during the week, increased role in the operating room including primary assist, and placement of implants
o Dental school senior is responsible for IV sedations in the dental school outpatient clinic as well as implant treatment

o Take a third of back up call/month. Average 1 primary call every 3 weeks
o Residents are paid at a PGY5 level

Year 6: Chief

o Chief residents rotate between attending/hospital teams in 2 month blocks. Each team has set attendings where the assigned chief will treatment plan, primary assist in the OR, and follow up on operated patients
o Chief residents will have increased exposure to implant cases with increased complexity including all of 4-6, full mouth rehabilitation cases
o Residents are paid at a PGY 6 level with a chief stipend

4 Year:
(2 residents/year)

**Official 2024 OMFS PASS/Interviews/Match/Non-Match** (2)

Year 1: Intern year
o 2 months at New Brunswick Faculty practice + Saint Peters OR
o 2 month at the dental school
o Rest of time is spent at UH clinic/OR
o Residents are paid at a PGY1 level
o Later in the year, the two 4 year categorical resident reports for 6 months of Anesthesia
o Residents are paid at a PGY1 level

Year 2: Anesthesia/ off service rotations

o March to August Anesthesia training as a full anesthesia resident. Residents are responsible for intubations, running OR cases, taking anesthesia call during this time. No responsibilities to the OMFS service when completing off-service rotations
o August to May off service rotation which includes, 2 months of medicine, 2 months of trauma, 2 months of SICU, 1 month of Plastics, 1 month of ENT

o Residents are paid at PGY2 level

Year 3: Senior

o Senior residents go through 2 month blocks between being the hospital senior, dental school, and float senior similar to residents in year 5 of the integrated MD program
o Hospital senior is responsible for IV sedations in the outpatient clinic during the week, increased role in the operating room including primary assist, and placement of implants
o Dental school senior is responsible for IV sedations in the dental school outpatient clinic as well as implant treatment

o Take a third of back up call/month. Average 1 primary call every three weeks

Year 4: Chief


Chief residents rotate between attending/hospital teams in 2 month blocks. Each team has set attending where the assigned chief will treatment plan, primary assist in the OR, and follow up on operated patients
o Chief residents will have increased exposure to implant cases with increased complexity including all of 4-6, full mouth rehabilitation cases
o Residents are paid at a PGY 4 level with a chief stipend


Full Time Faculty
o Vincent B. Ziccardi, DDS, MD, FACS (Chair): Full scope OMFS, Nerve repair specialist, Cleft repair (Head of the craniofacial team), orthognathics, benign pathology, trauma, cosmetics

o Rabie Shanti, DMD, MD (Director): Fellowship trained in head and neck oncologic surgery/microvascular reconstruction at Louisiana State University Health Sciences (Shreveport). Oral Cancer, Oral Precancerous Lesions, Benign And Malignant Jaw Tumors, Salivary Gland Tumors, Osteoradionecrosis Of The Jaw, Medication Related Osteonecrosis Of The Jaw, And Maxillofacial Reconstructive Surgery. Rutgers OMFS alum.
o Hani Braidy DMD: Full scope OMFS, orthognathics, trauma, Benign pathology, Implants ( Along with Dr. Zweig runs the implant program)
o Barry Zweig, DDS: Head of the implant program at Rutgers, extensive experience in full scope OMFS
Salvatore Napoli DMD: Undergraduate clinic director of the dental school clinic, full scope OMFS
o Anayo Adachie, DMD, MD: Full scope OMFS, orthognathics (Posnick fellowship), benign pathology, trauma
o Chang min R Yim, DMD: trained in Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and served honorably in the U.S. Army. Full scope practice
o Mostafa Alwakeel, DMD: Interested and devoted to evidenced based dentoalveolar procedures including bony and soft tissue augmentation

Part time Faculty
O In addition to staffing our predoctoral and resident clinics, many of our part time faculty bring OR cases to the program from their private offices covering the full scope of our specialty.
o Benefit of various perspectives from large range of faculty with many decades of practical private practice experience
o Dr. Shahid Aziz, DMD, MD, FACS :Full scope OMS Founder of Smile Bangladesh providing cleft surgery to the Bangladesh community twice per year bringing Rutgers senior and chief residents. Operates at University Hospital ~2 times/month, and residents attend participate with orthognathic cases at JFK Medical Center in Edison, NJ weekly
o Pam Alberto, DMD
o Gerard Begley, DMD
o Mohammed Boukheir, DMD
o Emil Cappetta DMD
o Sung Cho DMD
o Husham Edani DMD
o Larry Gorzelnik DMD, MD
o Nancy Herbst DMD
o John Mullins DMD
o Victor Petriella DMD
o Hugo Quinones DMD
o Mohammed Rabah DMD
o Ignatius Scalia DMD
o David Serratelli DMD
o Imad Tamimi DMD
o Judith Tuchman DMD
o Marie Woke, DMD

Program Culture: 
Busy program with high expectations at all levels. There is a strong emphasis on didactic education and clinical learning. Residents are required to review past and current literature on all treatment that is rendered to patients. There is increasing advocacy and support for resident wellness.


Full scope with large volume for most procedures. Many orthognathic cases per year and total joint replacements. First hand nerve repair experience. >250-300 implants placed by the end of residency. Cosmetics (based on resident interest including rhinoplasty, rhytidectomies, injectables, blepharoplasties, fat transfer). Large volume of benign and malignant pathology cases with resections and reconstructions. University hospital is the only state run level 1 trauma center in New Jersey.

 Residents interested in continuing their training with a fellowship match from Rutgers OMFS. In the previous years, residents matched into their desired fellowships including microvascular with Dr. Ghali, orthognathic with Dr. Tucker, microvascular with Dr. B.J. Kim, and full body cosmetic fellowships

 Residents that graduate from Rutgers OMFS pursue fellowships and careers in both private practice and academics.

 All graduate residents in the past 10 years have passed the OMFS boards.


**Official 2024 OMFS PASS/Interviews/Match/Non-Match** (3)

· Education Allowance: $1300 per year

· Meals: $25 per shift with an improved process to request meal money when your shift goes over 12 hours

· Orientation payment: 1 week in late June, $1300

· Chief Stipend: $3,400

· Extra on-call pay: $50 for each extra on-call shift. Here are the new amounts:

o 1st additional on-call duty: $200
o 2nd additional on-call duty: $300
o 3rd additional on-call duty: $350
o 4th and subsequent on-call duty: $400
· Leave: Expanded the definition of bereavement leave

· Mental health: A working group with CIR and Rutgers to discuss improving mental health care access for house staff

Thank you for reviewing the overview of the program. Again the best way for you to learn about the program and get a good feel for it and the residents and faculty is by doing an externship. If you plan to do an externship, please reach out to us via Instagram or program coordinator on recommendations for where to stay. Let me know if you have any questions. 

Feel free to get in contact with us via our Instagram page, or emailing our program coordinator Kisha ([emailprotected]) who can provide you with our contact information.

Rutgers OMFS Residents

**Official 2024 OMFS PASS/Interviews/Match/Non-Match** (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

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