The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2025)

to to to to 1 4 2 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, MONDAY, JUNE 16, 1952 Deaths L. F. DEAD AT. 511 West Side Man Was Active 9 In Sports Louis F. Trombley, 51, 116 Union SuP West Springfield, actives since his youth in local baseball and ball leagues, died Sunday, din Wesson: Memorial Hospital after a long Illness.

Both he gand Leo, Durocher, west Springfield native New York Giants manager, tried out for major league play together. Born in Westfield May 29, 1901, son of the late James and Lecy (Devnue) Trombley, he. lived in West Springfield for 30 years. Ile was employed by the Springfield Street Railway Co. and was a member of the street ways workers union and Immaculate Conception Church, Mr.

Trombley was pitcher for the Wico Electric baseball team of West Springfield and later played 3 both softball and baseball for. the Perking Machine and Gear Co. When employed by the street played softball on the concern's teams and won most valuable player award from the Triple A. League four years ago. He leaves his" write.

Dirs. Leone (Daney) Trombley; two sons, Louis J. of Last Longmeadow and Glenn N. Not West Springfield? daughter, Dirs. Norma Milano in Long Island, brothers, in Detroit, Alich.

and Fred 96 West Springfield: sisters, Mrs. Lucy Meyer Detroit and Mrs. Hattie Friese of Holyoke. The funeral will be held at the Jones home, West Springfield, Wednesday at 8.15 a m. followed by a requiem high mass in Immaculate Conception Church at 9.

Burial will be in St. Cemetery. The family will receive friends at the funeral home Monday evening from 7 to 9 and Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. Jilss Dorris M.

Wheeler Miss Dorris M. Wheeler, of 590 Main West Springfield, died Sunday afternoon after 8. short illness. She leaves do her father, Harry R. Wheeler, two.

cousins, alt of West Springfield. funeral will be at the Graham funeral home Tuesday afternoon at 2 Rev. Rush W. D. Smith will officiate.

Burial will be in Ashleyville, Cemetery, West SpringVisiting hours at the funeral IN MEMORIAN In loving memory of my de dear husband and our father Thomas W. Doyle, who passed away June 16, 1930, No Koows how much: we miss: you; No one knows the bitter pain We have suffered since we lost you Life: has never been the same. In our hearts your memory lingers Sweetly tender, fond and true There is not a day dear father That we do not think of you. Badly, missed by his WIFE AND FAMILY DIED BAR -In. Holyoke, June 13, 1952.

Cornelius Barnes of 10 Francis Ave. Funeral Monday at Edward F. Day funeral home at 2. Cremation in Springfield. BERG--In this city, the 14th, Herman W.

at Berg of Byron's funeral home Tuesday after30. Rochelle St. Funeral services 'noon at 2. Burial in Oak. Grove CHILDS- in Holyoke, the l5th, Frederick Childs.

of: 16 Carlton a member of the Holyoke Board of Aldermen for 42 years. A mititary funeral will Chapel take place at the Skinner Memorial Wednesday at 2.30, with services to be conducted by Rev. Maldwyn V. Parry. Burials will, be in Forestdale Cemetery.

Mr. Childs Giay be seen at the Alger funeral home until Wednesday noon. CLE garet this (Flynn) city. the Cleary, 13th. wife: Mrs.

of Mar- mond L. Cleary of. 223 Wilbraham Rd. Funeral from the Hannigan: funeral home. 656 State St.

Monday morning at 8:13, followed by solemn requiem high mass at the Holy Family Church at 9. Burial in St. Michael's Cemetery. Friends invited. CONNELLY-In Amherst.

the 14th, MiJ. Connelly, 72, of Montague' funeral home, Tuesday at 8. a. folNorth Amherst. Funeral at the Douglass lowed by a high mass of requiem at 9 In Brigid's Cemetery.

Friends. may call 'at the funeral home, Sunday and Monday from 2-3-7-9 p. m. DEA Deady of Holyoke. 8 Magnolias June 13, Ave.

Funeral John at John B. Shea funeral home Monday at 8:15 followed by solemn requiem mass in Holy Church at 9. Burfal will be in Calvary Cemetery. DE ROSA-In Hartford Hospital; the 14th, De Mra. Christina (Barbaruallo) Truilo Rosa, wife of Groochino De Rosa Fu- of 471 North Main Thompsonville neral Tuesday at 8:15 at the Leete funeral: home.

123 Pearl Thompsonville, with: solemn requiem: mass in. St. Patrick' Church at 9. Burial in St. King St.

Cemetery. Friends may at. the funeral home after 4 p. m. Hunday.

GRIM HAW--In Indian Orchard. the 14th. Mrs. Victoria: (Pellerin) Grimshaw, wife of: John Grimshaw of Worcester St. Funeral from the Ratell.

funeral home Tuesday at 8.10, followed by: solemn high mass of requiem An? St. Aloyaius Church at 9. Burial will be in St. Aloysius' a Cemetery, Calling hours, to: 5 and. 7 to: 11 p.

mi $: HARRIGAN-in this city, the 15th, Michael C. Harrigan of 126 Everett St. 734 Funeral State from the Gleason funeral home, Wednesday at 8. Solemn Church high at mass 9. of requiem in Sacred Heart Burial in St.

Michael's Cemetery. Visiting hours. Monday, and Tuesday, 4 to: 5 and 7 to 10. KELLY-la Holyoke, the 15th, Thomas J. Kelly of 136 Lincoln St.

Funeral at the home, 156 Lincoln Tuesday at 9.15 followed by solemn high mass of requiem in Holy Cross Church at 10. Burial will fube In St. Jerome Cemetery. Dillon neral service. 18 JOHNSON-In comers, the, 14th, Herman A.

Johnson of: North Mountain Rd. Funeral at the parlors of: the Dickinson-Streeter 303-307 State with Springfeld, Tuesday afternoon p. m. at 2, Interment organ prelude at 1.30 at. Greenlawn Cemetery, East Longmeadow.

KIRBY--In Holyoke Veterans' Hospital, the 10th; Charles Fr. Kirby, 70, of HuntIngton. Funeral from the F. 8.30 C. followed Haley funeral home Monday, at by a requiem high mass in.

St Thomas Church at 9 o'clock. Interment: in: St. Thomas Cemetery. FRANK M. Page BEAUTIFUL Moderately Priced Flowers Two Shops for Your Convenience 133.

STATE: ST. 121 COLUMBUS AYE. 7-0235 2-6214 Schlatters For Fine Flowers Since 1895 Store Greenhouse 12 A Pynchon St. Tel. 2-3107 431 Bay St.

Tell 3-9013 FUNERAL FLOWERS Attractively Arranged SPRAYS and WREATHS Moderately Priced Hitken, Flowers 22-21 Vernou i St. Tel. $-3104 SO ANSWERS (Test On Page) Habies. Cockpit (Others are nautical terms). Ticker Tape (Stock market) 4.

Mung. 5. 6 (a) Eiffel-984 (x). (b) Chrysler-1046 (y). (c) Empire State-1250 (d) Washington -555 (e) Woolworth-793 (w).

home will be Monday from to and 7 to 9. Please omit flowers: in favor of a donation to the American Cancer Fund. Martin F. Keld Martin Reid for many rears construction superintendent for the Casper Ranger Construction Co. of Holyoke, died Sunday at his home, 33 Watertown.

Born on Prince Edward Island, July 29, 1876, settled In North Grafton when coming to this country. He "retired from the building business in 1948. Mr. Reid leaves a son, Daniel B. of Wellesley; three daughters, Mrs, Henry Powell.

Watertown. Airs. James Hogan of Everett and Mrs. Ralph Staunton of Agawam: a brother, Daniel, 13. Reid of North Grafton: and sisters, the Misses Anna and Margaret Reid, all of North Grafton: and 13 grandchildren." The funeral will be held" Wednesday at 1 m.

with a solemn high requiem mass in St, Patrick's Church, Watertown. Burial will be in st Patrick's Cem-tand etery. Mrs. Rose Gould Mrs. Rose (Arcott).

Gould. 69, widows of Albert J. Gould and former resident of Springfield, died Saturday in Danielson, Conn. She and her husband alived in the city until 10 years She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Pike of Danielson: a son, Richard A.

of Springfield; two grandsons and two ters. The funeral will be at the Tillinghast funeral home Tuesday at 9 a. nt. by solemnn high mass of requiem in St. James Church in Danielson.

Burial will be in Beth. Test Your Horse Sense any Cemetery, Monson. Mrs. Anna Berninger Mrs. Anna "Berninger, 91, mother of Drs.

Frank, Fennessyt of West Springfield, Saturday at her in the town of Ghent, N. Y. Besides Mrs. Fennessy, she leaves another seven sons, grandchildren and several grandchildren. American She was Bible a life.

Society, member the West Ghent Grange, and First Reformed Church of Ghent, and was very active to the thine of her. death. The funeral services will be Tuesday at: pa ml at her late residence. Mrs. Anna Corjay Mfrs.

Anna: (Krawiec) Corjay of 12 Monroe widow of Lawrence Corjay, died Sunday after a short illness at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Celetti of 24 Norfolk St. Born in Alieliec. Poland, she came to this country over: '50 years ago and lived in Springfield for 49 years. She leaves two daughters, Mrs.

Celettil and Mrs. Walter Gonet, both of Springfield; three sons, Peter of Framingham, John of Springfield. and Michael of Chicopee: seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren. The funeral will be held at the Rypyso funeral home on Carew St. Wednesday at 8 followed a high mass of requiem at Our Lady of the Rosary Church at 9.

Burial will be it: St. Stanislaus Cemetery, Chicopee. Michael C. Harrigan Afichael C. Harrigan died Sunday afternoon at his home, 126 Everett St.

Born in Scotland, son of the late James and Mary (Hunter) Harrigan, he has been a resident: of Springfield for the past 60 years. Mr. Harrigan was employed as a wire weaver by DIED 3 MALONE-In Holyoke, June 12. Bra. Ellen J.

Gliboy of 903 Dwight St. widow of Michael Malone. Funeral at the Dillon: funeral home Monday AL 8:15, followed by solemn high mass of Burial will be in St. Rose's Cemetery. requiem St Patrick's Chapel at 3 South Hadley.

NOONAN-In this city, the 13th, Mr. Edmund husband of Laura 31. Noonan of 16 Piney Funeral from the Belmont Ave. parlors of the T. P.

Sampson Co. day -morning at 8:13, followed by requiem high masa in the Holy Name Church at o'clock. at St. Michael's Cemetery. Friends Invited.

PLIMPTON-In Chicopee Falls, the 14tlt, Elmira Plimpton of Belcher Chicopee Falls. Funeral from the Tylunas funeral home Tuesday morning at 9.80. Linwood Detwieler will conduct the service. Burial will be in Pine Grove Cemetery, Whitinsville. Masa.

RUDZIN8KI-In Northampton; the Michael Rudzinski, 66, of 26 Cherry St. Funeral at the Czelusniak funeral home in North St. at 8:13 m. Tuesday. Burial in Holy Rosary Cemetery.

Hatfield. Friends may call at the funeral home after 1 p. m. Saturday. SHEA--In Holyoke.

June 13. 1959. Daniel F. Shea of 405 Ingleside St. Funeral vat James P.

Hobert funeral home Monday at followed by a solemn high mass of requiem In: St. Patrick's Chapel at 10. Burial will in St. Jerome's Cemetery, STRATTON-1 Westfield, the Mrs. Julia, (Meehan) Stratton, 70.

of 1:6 Western widow of Jesse R. Strattou and formerly of. Athol. Funeral Monday at. 8 at the Firtion-lollister funeral 29 School Westfield, requiem high mass following at.

10 at Our Lady Church, PAthol. Burial in Silver Lake SUGRUE--In Holyoke, June 10. 1932. Miss Margaret Sugrue of 196 Lyman St. Funeral at John Shea funeral home Monday at: 7:15, followed by A solemn requiem mass in St.

Patrick's Chapel at 8: Burial will be in St. Jerome's Cemetery. June 14, Anna Agustua Tolman Not 83 Church Thorndike, widow of Andrew Tolman. Funeral. services will be held in the Firat Congregational Church, Thorndike, Monday at 2 o'clock, Rev.

P. C. Grant officiating. Burial in Oak Knoll Cemetery. Arrangementa by Beers Story- funeral home.

where friends may' Sunday, 2. to and to 9. TROMBLEY--In West Springfield, the 15th. F. Trombley, husband of Leone Trombley, of: 148 Union St.

Funeral from the Curran-Jones. funeral home: Wednesday morning at. 7 followed by 3 requiem high masa in the Immaculate Conception: Church at o'clock. Burial in. St.

Thomas' Cemetery. The family will receive friends at the funeral home Monday, to and Tues. day 4 to 4 and 7 to WELCH-In this city, the Bra. Mary, (Burke) Welch, widow of Dre chael" Welch of White St. neral from the Curran-Jones funeral home Monday at 0 o'clock, followed by a solemn requiem highimasa in Holy Name Church at Burial in St.

Michael's Cemetery. The r. family will receive, friends at them funeral home Friday' from. Sate and Sun. and WEHRLEN- In Holyoke.

the 14th, Mrs. Theresa (Sanner) Wehrlen, 261 Franklin widow of Leger Wehrien. Funeral at the "James Pr Hobert Sons home A 8:15. withe a solemn requiem high mars at 9 In Sacred Heart Church. Burial in At.

Jerome's Cemetery. WHEELER-In ahis city. the 16th, Dorris M. Wheeler of. Main West? Springfield.

Funeral from the Graham funeral home, 618 State Tuesday at Organ a prelude dat Rev. Rush W. D. Smith will officiate. Burlal will be in Ashleyville Cematery, West Springfield.

Visiting hours. 3 to 4 an to 9. Please omit Donate to the American Cancer Fund. WILLARD-In: this city. the 19th.

William Wells Willard, for 240 Longmeadow. Funeral at the parlors of the 305-307 State St Springfield, Monday with an organ at 1.30 p. mi Interment at Hillerest Park. Cemetery. Friends may call at the 'parlors Saturday and Sunday from 7 to 9 p.

mO. the Cheney Bigelow Wire Works and retired a after 50 years of worvice, when he was presented a watch by his conipant. lie was. a member the Holy Name Society of Sacr Heart parish, served for years as sexton of Sacred Heart Church, and was a member of Holy Fame He leaves daughters, David Moran, with whom he lived, and Mra: Itaymond Martin of Washington. D.

four dren, and. a nieco, The funeral will be held at the Gleason funeral home Wednesday at 8 followed by a soli emn' high mass of requiem Sacred Heart Church at Burtal will be in St. Michael's Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral to parlors 5 and Monday and Tuesday from Tato pee The funeral of Herman A. Johnson or Somers, Conn.

who died at his home, Saturwill be held at the DickinsonStreeter" Co, Tuesday at 2 with an organ prelude at 1.30*p. m. Theodore Forsberg, pastor of the St. Paul's Lutheran Church of East Longmendow, will officiate and the be 4 in the Greenlawn Cemetery, Enst Longmeadow. The funeral of William W.

Villard of 360 Longmeadow will be held at the Dickinson-Streeter Con Monday at 2 p. m. with an organ prelude p. mi Rev. Andrew J.

Stanton, pastor of the Emmanuel Congregational Church, wilt officiate the burial will be In the crest Park Cemetery 3 Western Mass. Men Wounded in Korean Fighting The following area men were listed as casualties in the Korean area by the Department, of Defense today 3 Army, Sgt. John Hickson. Jr. son of Mr.

and Mrs. John F. Hickson, Sr. 37. Lebanon Springfield.

Wounded: Army Second Lieut. Ralph B. Oggood, Ir. son of AIr, and Jirs. Ralph B.

Osgood, 16 Raingley Greenfield. Wounded: Marine, Pyt. first class, Paul E. Persinger, son of Mrs. Ida Rosbach: Highland Ave Pittsi Held.

Dance School Gives "Show at Westover Some: 40 members of Post 26: Jew Railroad Veterans, Plan Get-Together ish Ward Veterans and auxiliary, yesterday sponsored an entertainment program for' patients at the Westover Air Force Base hospital. Performers: included students of School or the Dance. William Austin was director Sand Miss Dolly Hicks, soldist. Post and auxiliary members served refreshments and visited the bed patients. Lena Marcus, and Lloyd Rained were in charge of the Westfield, June 15-The 16th annual get-together of the Railroad Veterans Association, composed of retired railroad men, will take place Wednesday afternoon, June 25, at the home of Merrill F.

Hosmer of 43 Pleasant this city, it was an nounced today by John Zanky of Southwick, association secretary Hosmer was founder and first president Because of the limited group" facilities at his home, It is expected the event will be attended by 25 to 30 of the retired railroaders. The program will open with a luncheon at 12.30. for: lowed by a short business meeting with election of officers, and a general get-together to renew acquaintances and to reminisce. Noble of Springfeid is president. The following cities land towns are included in Region 2 and will participate in the civilian defense 1 test alert tomorrow at 11 Granville, Southwick, Agawam, Longmeadow, Hampden.

East meadow, Jonson, Wales, Holland, Brimfield. Warren. Paliner Wilbraham, Ludlow, Chicopee, Springfield, West Springfield, Westfield, Montgomery, Russell, Blanford, Huntington, Southampton. Westhampton, Northampton, Holt voke, Hadley, South Hadley. Amherst, Granby, Belchertown, Ware, Hardwick, Pelham, Shutesbury, Leverett, Sunderland.

Whately, Hatfield, Williamsburg, Worthington, Goshen, Ashfield. Conway, Deerfield, Montague, Erving, Northfield, 5 Gill. Deerfield, Grenefield, Conway, Shelburne, Hawley, Charlemont, Rowe, Heath, Colrain, Leyedn and Bernardston: CHARITY LEAGUE MEETING Springfield Guild, Holy. Family Family League of Charity, will meet tonight at8 at Blakes Restaurant. An invitation to all persons wishing to doin the Guild is extended by President Edward E.

Giblin. Cities, Towns in CD Test Tuesday 50TH ANNIVERSARY MR. AND MRS. FRANK X. BOUSSY Mr.

and Mra. Frank' V. Boussy 24 Wilcox. St. recently brated their, 50th wedding anniversar Married Juno 3, 1902, In Chicopee Falls, they couple has, resided in Springfield for years.

They four. children, Drs. Leola Thurston of Washington. D. Norinan land Albert of Springfield Edgar of Feed ing Hills, two grandchildren two great-grandchildren.


Pease, Jr. 21, SOn of Mr. and Mra. Theodore M. Pease, 2047 Withraham hag completed Army Basic Training conducted by the 3rd Armored Port Knox, Ky.

An a prospective tunk crewman he received special training In tank crew platoon tactics and in driving of Army wheeled and tracked vehicles. He entered the Army 14, 1961. By WILLARD J. CLARK The admirable Band. of Technical? School, under the direction of Lee Crabtree, closed the current season of the 'Storrowton Junior Music Festival yesterday afternoon.

Weather Man has been: most "unkind to the Festival this season. concerts were rained, out; These were to have. been given by the Kurn Iattin Home, Band; the Young People's Symphony Orchestra; the Hadley" Schools Band and Classical High School Band. The 'Festival opened with a concert by the West Band. It is unfortunate that things turned out as they did.

Unfortunate not only because the audiences at these Sunday afternoon concerts were deprived of the pleasure of listening to some music, but because appearance at this annual Storrowton Junior Music Festival is eagerly by the young musicians. The Storrowton Village Green makes an ideal setting. and large number of people have made it a point to be on hand. There are few enough opportunities fory young musicians to display their wares and to have a chance spoiled because of on four successive: Sundays doesn't seem quite as one student expressed it. Technical High School Band is a superior: direction of Lee Crabtree, Under the the group plays with excellent tion.

What they accomplish is always musical and nine times out. of A 102 intonation is quite as it should" be. There are some excellent soloists in the and a trumpet duet by Gerald Linehan and Ronald Harrison much enjoyed. So, also, was Toelken in A series for folk, songs. This young man has a tremendous repertoire of folk songs which the sings to his own stringed His enunciation is flawless and his voice responds to whatever (mood, he desires Her is really of professional caliber already.

In one uproarious number he was joined by. Clifford Mongile who added a bass Addle and a tenor voice. the numbers this listener found interesting and played were "Stouthearted "The Man I Love," san intriguing Polka, titled "The Village Tavern," and. of course. all the 'marches on the program.

It was announced that the Junior Music Festival will be a feature of Storrowton hext season and it is to that the Weather Man will deal more kindly with it than he did this season. IN ROTC PROGRAM James Reidy, of 100 Dialden St. will report June 21 to Fort Harrison, to participate in the ROTC summer training program. Cadets Reidy, son of Mr. and Mrs.

James Reidy, is an' accounting major at Syracuse University, JUNIOR MUSIC FESTIVAL ENDS Tech Band Plays; Weather Bad During Series, J.A.MILLER 60 YEARS WORK IN FINE EXP. VERT LEAF FRAMES OLD HARRISON GOLD (213 DWIGHT OHIO RIDER WINS 'CYCLE CONTEST FOR SECOND TIME Dick Duplicates 1951. Victory in 100- Mile Contest at N. H. By BUDDY MARCEAU Helknap: Aren.

N. 1 June The Olio motorcycle demon Dick Klaniforth, of Groveport, did what no other rider hna been able to accompliah, For the second time, he won thee 100-mile toreycle championship one Balknap. Recreation It a for the first laps between second place winner, Edwin Fisher of Turkesburg, and Dick. Once In the groove, however, Klamforth took a comfortuble load and held it throughout the grueling grind that thrilled between 418,000 to 20,000 riders and Klamforth, who has- just turned 24, public eye when he Anished second In a Daytona Beach amateur race, During his Dye years of racing Dick has pushed his Imported Norton motorcycleato win the Laconia 60-miler in 1948, the Daytona, classic 200-miler in 1919: he repeated 1901, setting speed record of 92.81 miles per hour, He followed these wins by taking the 10-mile national championships, at Richmond, moved to Laconta last June to win the 100-mile, winding up the season by taking the seven-nile national at Shreveport, :3 La, Fisher Close Second Klamforth rode his Norton at careful pace for the Arst 20 lapa, getting the feel of the course and testing his opposition. From the 20th he sat his two-wheel speedster most straight up and Increased 'hit lead.

lie covered the 100-miles in 1 hour. 57 minutes and 57 seconds. Edwin Fisher of Parkesburg, who several times took the lead during the first 20 laps, and often threat ened Klamforth. just couldn't put his Triumph through the curves to make up "time. His second place time was 58 minutes and 4 seconds.

Alli Quattrochi of Providence, R. winner of the Belknap: 100 mile national championship in 1947, who finished in seventh spot last year, thrilled the spectators as he opened his Harley- on the straight A away abandonment. and took A the slow start curves and sev- with eral jams put. him: in third spot with time of 2 hours, three seconds. on Babe Tancrede, Woonsocket, R.

police officer, also trying for his second was forced out in the 50th lap after- a spill which put his Harley-Davidson out of commission. The 43-year-old motorcycle racer was well yup in the lead when hard luck hit. him. Whitey Anderson of: North Wilbraham, also bad his Indian give out during the terrific race. Bobby Baer of Springfeld, son of Fritzie Baer, Belknap Area director, was unable to his motor going in time for, the start.

Kenneth Dinan of North Wilbraham, riding an Indian, stayed in there with the best riders in: America and finished in 11th place. His "time hadn't been computed when we started for home. James Gregory of was fourth place winner; John Butterfleld, Lumberton. C. Afth; Leon Applegate, Trenton, N.



Every Day Plus Finest Selection in the Cityl 430 DWIGHT STREET 33 NEW DWIGHT STREET, PARKING Increase Your Earnings REGISTER NOW SHORTHAND IN 6 WEEKS TYPING OPTIONAL WITH Speedwriting REGISTRATIONS BEING ACCEPTED DAY AND EVENING CLASSES JUNE 16th WRITE OR PHONE. FOR INFORMATION SPEEDWRITING AFFILIATE OF GAUGH SCHOOL 182 STATE ST. SPFLD. TEL. 6-3366 New Visiting Rules At Hospital Don't Affect Things Much Attendants at the Springheld Hospital hostess desk didn't notice any Important difference yesterday the new less stricted visiting hours went into effect.

From In thie evening continued to be the most popular time lowever, there were some visitors the" resting that the Increased dom to come and go will be helpful to some persona. Each day othe nospita! will open to visitors from 10. a. m. to 18 Heretofore the visiting hours have been from 1:10 3 in, the afternoon and from in the evening.

presented the awards, In addition' to the prize money, Dick Klamforth took the three foothigh Win Oil Trophy for the second time. There were only six spills during the 100-mile event, no Because of the heavy traffic down. the mountain after the races, riders were often forced to skid their motorcycles to fast atops. Several spills. were recorded but no serious injuries were noted.

John Zapka, Northampton, did an outatanding job. in covering distant pointe for us during the twoday races. He is a member of 8 the Pioneer Valley Motorcycle Club. High temperatures made the going tough for the riders who came the finish line tar, sand and dust covered. It was estimated by Fritzie Baer, director, that more than 2000 motorcycle.

riders camped there for the three day gypsy tour. A. tent: village including the most elaborate community, tent to sleeping in Navy hammocks provided for the comfort of riders and families. Laconia police and state police estimated the motorcyclists the "Lake Winnepesaukee region at 1000 to 9000. Both said this would be the biggest week end of the season as far as visitors go.

George W. Gilbert, Springfield, president of the American and Fred D. Stote, Springfield, president of Indian tocycle Co. both said tonight that this most successful and best attended event ever held at Belknap. Gypsy tours, 23-mile, 50-5 and 100-mile 7 national road events.

have been held here since Wendell Phillips. president the NEMDA announced the next big: shin-digit for motorcycle fans would be held Aug. 3 at" Riverside Park, Agawam, Mass. The Pioneer Valley Motorcycle Clubs with: headquarters in Southwick, Mass, had almost 100 percent attendance for the official starter for both Bob Finn of Springfield, was the 50 and 100-mile championships. COLBY ALUMNUS IS 91 Waterville, Me.

June 13 (AP)Boston attended his 70th Colby ComRobie Erye on of mencement today at the personal invitation of college president J. Seelye Bixler. An-1882 Colby graduate, Frye had decided to pass up the trip this year but changed his mind at Bixler's behest. RELIGION AND SCIENCE NEED NOT CONFLICT Dr. McCarthy Says Medical Right Is Same as 3 Moral Right There a Wand no true condict religion, between said true: Dri actence Thomas: F.

McCarthy last night at A meeting of the Contraternity of Christian Doctrine at Holy Name Social Center. His purpose, was to clear the thinking of many "misguided Catholics" who 'believe a Catholic doctor can't be a good obstetrician while following the teachings church. Dr. McCarthy, a Catholic who specializes in gynecology and obstetrica, he hast "never 5 'had to compromise" either medically morally practice. He has he Bald.

of related to Catholic: doctrine and the question 'of putting mother's life or baby's life Arst. Vat the time of birth "rarely arise." Further, according to Dr. McCarthy, "medically right" A and the "morally' right" courses are the sane. 'Rev. Daniel Shea of Holy Name Church was chairman and Mrs.

A. C. Talmadge reviewed activities of the confraternity's discussion groups. the past year, Local Woman Is Divorced in Reno I. Smutny, Jr.

has been granted a divorce on grounds 'of cruelty from Mary Bowers Smutny of Springfield In Reno, Nev. They were married in Springfield Sept. 3, 1950, and have one child, Lynne, 14 months old. Attends Oklahoma Tour Frederick M. Cohn, assistant TURNER PARK 2 FLOOR SHOWS NIGHTLY COMPLETE SHORE DINNERS With Steamed Clams Excellent Food Liquor FOR RES.

TEL. LO 7-7582 investment secretary of the chusetts Mutual Life Insurance is one of several security analysts who is attending a Sunray, oll prop Inspection tour In Tulsa, Okla. this week. THIRD WEEK END CASE OF STREET THEFT REPORTED Belle St. Man Jumped.

by Twos, Boys, Robbed And Beaten Although police brought two gangs of teen age thugs to District: Court recently for street attacks, the third assault and robbery case of the past week end was reported to police yes. terday morning. Houssen Ahmet, 53. of 87 Belle St. was jumped by two teen age boys Charles St.

before daylight yesterday morning and robbed of $3 Ite was carrying. He was "treated by: doctor for lacerations of the face and lipa. The incident was brought to the attention of police later in the by Gus Bitsacos of 40 Van Dyke East Longineadow, nephew. of the 3 Two other men were viciously saulted Saturday night, and both had to he temporarily hospitalized. One of the earlier, victims, an elderly man was: robbed of 45.


IF Here's the opportunity you're waited for to get brand- new 1952 Easy Spindrier at a "be-kind-toyour price! Famous two -tub action does week's wash in? an hour One tub washes while the other. Power. Flush Rinses; then spins clothes drier than a wringer. They'll go. fast at this bargain price so come in and get Easy NOW! Super during Special EASY'S CASH JUBILEE DIAMOND SALE DOWN NO COME IN TODAY MODEL 522 1225 MAIN at STATE 1 ST.

g': "a A 14: 4 IL.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2025)


Why is Springfield so famous? ›

Springfield has several nicknames—"The City of Firsts", due to the many innovations developed there, such as the first American dictionary, the first American gas-powered automobile, and the first machining lathe for interchangeable parts; "The City of Homes", due to its Victorian residential architecture; and "Hoop ...

Who were the first settlers in Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

Historical Perspective

William Pynchon and a company of six men from Roxbury, a town near Boston, established Springfield in 1636 at the junction of the Agawam and Connecticut Rivers.

What was invented in Springfield? ›

Today, the city of Springfield is known worldwide as the birthplace of the sport of basketball. In 1891, James Naismith, a theology graduate, invented the sport of basketball at the YMCA International Training School – now known as Springfield College – to fill-in the gap between the football and baseball seasons.

How old is Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

What is Springfield best known for? ›

As the largest city in central Illinois, with a population of 117,000, Springfield is best known for being the home of our 16th President Abraham Lincoln and the place where President Barack Obama spent his early career in politics.

What is a fun fact about Springfield? ›

Originally named Calhoun for U.S. Senator and Vice President John C. Calhoun, it took its current name, derived from nearby Spring Creek, in 1832. Abraham Lincoln moved to Springfield from New Salem on April 15, 1837, and lived there until he became president in 1861.

What is the ethnicity of Springfield Massachusetts? ›

White: 46.06% Black or African American: 20.52% Two or more races: 18.5% Other race: 11.62%

Who was the first person to live in Massachusetts? ›

Archaeological excavations in Massachusetts reveal that the earliest human beings arrived here more than 10,000 years ago. Archaeologists call these earliest settlers "Paleo-Indians." They are the ancestors of today's Indigenous Persons.

Who were the first families in Massachusetts? ›

Pilgrims and Puritans: 1620–1629

The first settlers in Massachusetts were the Pilgrims who established Plymouth Colony in 1620 and developed friendly relations with the Wampanoag people. This was the second permanent English colony in America following Jamestown Colony.

What guns were made in Springfield Massachusetts? ›

It was also here that the famous 1873 "Trapdoor" Springfield Rifle, the Model 1903 of World War I, and the M-1 Garand, known to millions of servicemen in two wars, were produced. The last small arm developed by the armory was the M-14, a rifle so effective that it replaced four other military small arms.

What sport was invented in 1891 in Springfield Massachusetts? ›

The Birthplace of Basketball

Basketball is built into the fabric of Springfield College. The game was invented by Springfield College instructor and graduate student James Naismith in 1891, and has grown into the worldwide athletic phenomenon we know it to be today.

What was the first Springfield gun? ›

In 1795, the Springfield Armory produced the new nation's first musket - the Model 1795 Musket which was largely patterned after the French Charleville musket which had armed the French army during the American Revolution.

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and Communications Director Bill Baker joined with Sheila McElwaine to welcome Mayor Kōkichi Maeda and officials from Takikawa, Japan to mark the 30th anniversary of Springfield and Takikawa becoming sister cities.

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

What is the highest point in Springfield MA? ›

Overview. At 3,491 feet, Mount Greylock is the highest point in Massachusetts. From its peak on a clear day, you can see as far as 90 miles away.

Why did The Simpsons choose Springfield? ›

Springfield was named after Springfield, Oregon. The only reason is that when I was a kid, the TV show “Father Knows Best” took place in the town of Springfield, and I was thrilled because I imagined that it was the town next to Portland, my hometown.

What is Springfield Armory famous for? ›

The armoury pioneered mass-production manufacturing techniques and produced weapons ranging from smoothbore muskets in its earliest days to the Springfield rifle and the M1 rifle of World War II, designed by John Garand. It closed in 1968 and is now a national historic site. See also armoury practice; Thomas Blanchard.

Why is Springfield known as the Queen city? ›

Springfield earned the nickname “Queen City” as a major hub of culture and commerce in the Ozarks. Our Queen City Garden is a major hub of ornamental flowers and the wildlife it attracts through the seasons. The Queen City garden is a beacon of color and excitement for most of the year.

Why is Springfield the birthplace of basketball? ›

The Birthplace of Basketball

The game was invented by Springfield College instructor and graduate student James Naismith in 1891, and has grown into the worldwide athletic phenomenon we know it to be today. Springfield College students continue to be innovators and leaders in their fields.

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

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Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.