Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings (Upright & Reversed) (2024)

Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings (Upright & Reversed) (1)

The card of collaboration, skill, and achievement.

Last Updated: March 16, 2024.

Home > Tarot > Card Meanings > Minor Arcana > Three of Pentacles/ Coins / Disks

The Three of Pentacles is like the universe’s way of giving you a high five for teamwork and collaboration! The card shows craftsmen coming together, each bringing their unique skills to the table. It’s as if the card is whispering, “Hey, when you join forces with others, magick happens. Together, you’re building something incredible.”

This card is your cheerleader for cooperation, acknowledging the beauty of blending different talents and perspectives. If you’ve been pondering a group project, a community effort, or even just seeking some advice, the Three of Pentacles is popping up to say, “Yes! Bring those minds together, watch the masterpiece unfold.”

It’s about linking arms with others, ready to co-create. That’s the spirit of the Three of Pentacles. It’s an encouraging nudge, reminding you that when you pool resources and expertise, you’re not just working on a project—you’re crafting a legacy.

Keep reading to understand that card throughout various tarot reading contexts: love, career… upright and reversed… and much more! By the time you’re done with this piece, you’ll know the Three of Pentacles inside and out. Let’s have it!

Table of Contents

Pictorial Symbolism in the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck

Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings (Upright & Reversed) (2)

Each card in the Rider-Waite-Smith deck is filled with symbols and imagery that are rooted in traditional tarot iconography, but they also incorporate elements from a variety of esoteric traditions, including Kabbalah, alchemy, and astrology.

This makes the deck particularly appealing to tarotists who look beyond the surface images to understand the deeper, more hidden meanings.

Three Pentacles

So, the pentacles themselves? They’re pretty much the heart of the card, touching on all the real-world stuff like jobs, money, and getting things done. The trio of coins is a big deal because it’s like the universe’s way of giving a thumbs up to getting a project off the ground, turning those daydreams into something you can actually touch and see, and getting people together to make it all happen.

Arch or Cathedral

Ever noticed how many of these cards have an arch or a cathedral vibe going on? That’s not just for show. It’s all about the solid foundation and the wow factor of what we can achieve when we join forces. Plus, it hints at a deeper, almost sacred, side to our efforts, blending the practical with the spiritual.

Artisans or Workers

And then there are the folks in the card, working together like a well-oiled machine. This is a shout-out to how crucial teamwork is, sharing the same vision, and bringing a mix of talents to the table. Everyone’s got something unique to contribute, showing that pulling something off often means joining hands with others.


Notice the tools they’re holding? That’s a nudge about the skills and resources we all have up our sleeves to build our dreams into reality. It’s a reminder that it takes more than just a good idea to make things happen—you’ve got to put in the elbow grease too.

Clothing and Attire

The way these characters are dressed isn’t just for fashion—it tells a story. Their outfits reflect their roles and backgrounds, underscoring that everyone, no matter where they’re from, has something valuable to bring to the table. It’s all about celebrating diversity, and the strength it brings to any endeavor.

Collaborative Discussion

Often, you’ll see these characters caught up in a discussion, maybe hashing out the next steps or checking in on progress. This is all about the power of talking things out, sharing ideas, and staying connected. It’s a gentle push to remember that great things are born from bouncing ideas around and working through challenges together.

The Three of Pentacles key correspondences

Upright keywords

Teamwork, collaboration, mastery

Reversed keywords

Selfishness, close-mindedness, misaligned team

Yes or No



Three (3)



Ruling Planet


Astrological Sign


What does the upright Three of Pentacles mean in the Tarot?

The Three of Pentacles is the third card in the suit of Pentacles (also known as the suit of coins, suit of disks, or suit of rings) and one of the fifty-six suit cards from the minor arcana. In divinatory tarot, the Suit of Pentacles represents the physical, material, financial and earthly aspects of our lives.

The threes in tarot are full of energy, representing creativity and growth, and the Three of Pentacles is all about growth in collaboration with others. Everyone has a role to play and it’s all vital to making great things happen.

One person cannot achieve everything all by themselves, we are stronger, smarter and more capable when we combine our skills and ideas. It is important to know your strengths and weaknesses in order to know your place in the bigger picture.

The Three of Pentacles encourages you to learn from those around you and seek out your team – the people who will support you and work towards a common goal.

Now is a great time to get creative and move forward with your ideas, have confidence in yourself and your skills, even if you don’t have the experience yet.

Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings (Upright & Reversed) (3)

When pulled in the upright position, the Three of Coins is linked with teamwork, collaboration, and mastery.

What does the upright Three of Pentacles mean in a love reading?

In a love reading, this card upright indicates that there is a deep mutual respect between you and your partner. You appreciate what each of you brings to the table and can celebrate your differences while knowing how to work together to work through any disagreements.

Communication is vital, so make sure you’re able to listen to your partner’s perspective and understand that they might see the world differently, but both of your unique experiences and feelings are valid.

What does the upright Three of Pentacles mean in a career reading?

In a career reading, this card upright is advising you to learn from those around you. Be confident to share your experience and take your spot as an expert in your field, but remember that other people will play an important role in getting the job done.

The key right now is teamwork, so be ready to get stuck into working collaboratively and sharing the load, it is only when you can work together that things will start moving forward. People are coming to you for advice and asking you to share your expertise.

You might feel inexperienced but know that your role and your ideas are as important as anyone else’s.

The Three of Pentacles as feelings/emotions

If you are asking the tarot how someone feels about you, pulling the Three of Pentacles means they respect you and are impressed by you. They care about your opinion and see you as a whole individual person, appreciating everything you bring to the table.

There is mutual love and respect from this person as you both see the benefits of working together and bringing value to each other’s lives.

The Three of Pentacles as a person

As a personality archetype, the Three of Pentacles represents someone who is an apprentice of life. They are learning in conventional and unconventional ways, taking in the world around them and learning from others.

They are growing their confidence and finding their place in the world. They are creative and full of ideas, but also prepared for hard work and ready to get stuck in, taking pride in their work and perfecting their craft.

The Three of Pentacles as advice

If you are asking the tarot for advice regarding a specific situation in your life, pulling the Three of Pentacles means that collaboration is key.

Learn from more experienced people and embrace working as a team towards a common goal. Put your ego aside and prepare to accept help and work collaboratively.

What is the zodiac or astrological sign associated with the Three of Pentacles?

The zodiac sign associated with the Three of Pentacles is Capricorn. It is the 10th sign in the zodiac, an earth sign and a cardinal sign. Capricorn energy is ambitious, determined and ready to get the job done. It is very work-focused, just like the Three of Pentacles.

Is the Three of Pentacles a yes or no card?

The Three of Pentacles is a strong yes card in the tarot, especially in relation to career and creativity. It is generally a very positive card to pull in any reading. The outcome is not without hard work but this is a good sign for a positive outcome. Below are some of my interpretations based on different types of questions:

Question: Will I get the job?

Card Interpretation: Yes – prepare to be part of the team, this is not an isolated role.

Question: Is this new person in my life good for me?

Card Interpretation: Yes – you bring out the best in each other with your different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives.

Question: Will I achieve my current goals?

Card Interpretation: Yes – if you set your mind to it and put the work in.

Question: Should I start my own business?

Card Interpretation: Don’t go it alone – so if you’re starting a new project make sure you’ve got a good supporting team around you!

Three of Pentacles as Timings / Timeframes

Tarot timing involves assigning precise timeframes or durations to the events and transitions indicated by the tarot cards in a reading. Personally, I use the tarot decan wheel, an astrologically-based method that aligns each Minor Arcana card with a distinct segment of the zodiac calendar.

Based on that, I determined the timing of the 3 of Pentacles to be from December 31 to January 9.

What does the reversed Three of Pentacles mean in the Tarot?

The Three of Pentacles reversed suggests a lack of communication and collaboration. You might feel like you’re walking against the current or that everyone around you is pulling in different directions for their own gain.

You might feel frustrated and be inclined to put everything on your own shoulders, unable to ask for help. You might find yourself or others being selfish and unable to open up to other ideas and perspectives.

Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings (Upright & Reversed) (4)

When pulled in the reversed position, the Three of Coins is linked with f selfishness, close-mindedness, and a misaligned team.

What does the reversed Three of Pentacles mean in a love reading?

You are struggling to see things from your partner’s perspective. You each have your own ideas and focuses and you’re not aligned with the vision of your relationship.

You will struggle to move forward in this relationship if you can’t work together and begin to value one another’s unique experiences.

You are both individuals and that’s what makes the relationship interesting and unique, so be sure to make communication and collaboration a priority.

What does the inverted Three of Pentacles mean in a career reading?

Pulling the Three of Pentacles in the reversed position indicates that you might be feeling the frustration of everyone’s ideas and opinions right now, and like you can’t move forward because everyone has different opinions of the right way to do things.

It might also feel difficult for you to contribute your own ideas because you’re not confident in them or you think they won’t be heard. Try to really listen to what others are saying and find a common ground.

Don’t get too attached to your own ideas that you miss out on what others can bring. The best things happen when you’re able to work together and bring the best bits from everyone’s ideas.


Despite its association with mysticism and occultism, the tarot has grown to become much more than a simple “fortune-telling” tool. For many tarot practitioners, it is a complex system made of symbolic imagery and psychological considerations (Tarot archetypes for example) that can be used for self-exploration, meditation, and personal transformation.

The 3 of Pentacles tarot card is a powerful symbol of teamwork, collaboration, and mastery. When this card appears in your reading, it is often a sign that you are working towards a common goal with others, and that your combined efforts will lead to success. It can also be a reminder that it is important to recognize when we need help from others and to be willing to ask for it when needed.

What does that card mean to you personally? How do you interpret this card in your own tarot practice?

Share your thoughts and experiences with me 🙂 Additionally, If you want to know more about the different tarot cards, feel free to check out my complete list of all 78 tarot cards and their meanings.

Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings (Upright & Reversed) (5)

Written By Charlotte Hamilton

Charlotte Hamilton is an artist, tarot reader and founder of Sugar Storm Studio, a creative studio that empowers weirdos, rebels and outsiders through alternative fashion, creative workshops and tarot. Find out more atwww.sugarstormstudio.comand follow on Instagram@sugarstormstudio.

Learn more about the Suit of Pentacles

Explore our comprehensive collection of articles that delve into the significance of each card within the suit of Pentacles.

Ace of PentaclesThe card of opportunity, manifestation, and abundance.Read More
Four of PentaclesThe card of security, control, and conservatism.Read More
Five of PentaclesThe card of need, poverty, and insecurity.Read More
Six of PentaclesThe card of generosity, charity, and fairness.Read More
Seven of PentaclesThe card of patience, investment, and assessment.Read More
Eight of PentaclesThe card of mastery, dedication, and craftsmanship.Read More
Nine of PentaclesThe card of abundance, luxury, and self-sufficiency.Read More
Ten of PentaclesThe card of legacy, wealth, and establishment.Read More
Page of PentaclesThe card of ambition, focus, and diligence.Read More
Knight of PentaclesThe card of efficiency, routine, and methodical Approach.Read More
Queen of PentaclesThe card of nurturing, practicality, and comfort.Read More
King of PentaclesThe card of abundance, security, and leadership.Read More



Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings (Upright & Reversed) (2024)


What is the Three of Pentacles reversed advice? ›

The Three of Pentacles reversed indicates a lack of skill. As advice, it may be suggesting that you take classes or perhaps enter an apprenticeship so that you may develop your talents. This card may also warn against sloppy workmanship.

What does the Three of Pentacles tarot card represent? ›

In tarot, positive attributes of the Three of Pentacles in a spread include the mastery of a skill in trade or work; achieving perfection; artistic ability; and dignity through renown rank or power.

Is the Three of Pentacles in reverse yes or no? ›

The results for one card pulled in the Three of Pentacles tarot card are: Upright Position: If you get the pulled card in the upright position, it indicates Yes as an answer. Reversed Position: If you get the pulled card in the reversed position, it indicates No as an answer.

What is the spirituality of the Three of Pentacles? ›

In a spiritual context, the Three of Pentacles indicates that you will be learning or studying new spiritual practices. It is also a sign that if you put the effort into your spiritual development you will reap the rewards.

What does a reverse card mean in Tarot reading? ›

“When you interpret a reversed card, it's really just getting at the root of the issue or the shadow side,” says Walsh. For example, pulling the moon reversed—which, when upright, symbolizes ease and grace—may mean that you'd benefit from checking in with your intuition before making any additional moves.

What does it mean when Tarot cards are upside down? ›

Many Tarot readers who use reversals simply believe the reversed Tarot card delivers the exact opposite message of the upright card. For example, if The Devil card shows up in a reading it can indicate being trapped, whereas the reversed Devil card can indicate being set free.

Do Pentacles mean yes? ›


ACE OF PENTACLES Answer: Yes. One of the best cards. Good luck and luck in the matter. If the question is negative, the card also answers "yes" because it means a complete statement.

How do you tell if a tarot card is upright or reversed? ›

To determine if a tarot card is reversed, you need to look at its position in the spread. When a card appears upside down in the spread, it is considered to be reversed [1]. Reversed cards have a different energy and interpretation compared to when they appear upright.

Is it important to read reversed tarot cards? ›

You will begin to see how the upside-down images speak to you. I find that there are enough cards in the deck to communicate specific energy (positive, negative, open, blocked) that reversed cards aren't really necessary. They can add a dimension of confusion and anxiety for beginning readers or for clients.

How to do a love Tarot reading? ›

Draw 3 cards and lay them down in a straight line to get the "Spark Notes" version of your relationship: Card 1: What you want. Card 2: What your partner wants. Card 3: What your future looks like as a couple.

Should I sage my tarot cards? ›

Energy can linger on cards whether you buy them new or used. It's always best to cleanse them before you start any readings or practices, as this will help keep unwanted energies out of your space. Aim to cleanse your tarot deck before each use.

What is the Three of Pentacles daily guidance? ›

This card symbolizes the refinement of skills or talents. The Three of Pentacles exemplifies work that is worthwhile and meaningful. In order to excel at it, you must be patient with the learning process. This means being open to making mistakes and not giving up when setbacks happen.

What does the upside down three of cups tarot card mean? ›

Reversed, the Three of Cups suggests that isolation from others is occurring. It is the time to take charge of the situation and to get out into the community. Consider joining a group or organization, and if the need for support is present, seek out the necessary resources.

What is the advice of the three of cups? ›

Three of Cups Advice Position

Think of this occasion as a celebration, where their support helps you find success in your work. There may be something here for everyone to contribute. Put yourself in the loving hands of your family connections and your trust will be well rewarded.

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